War with China

Give me your predictions

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There isn't going to be a war, China isn't as dumb as the Third Reich

go to map.baidu.com
China has declared its own territory as the red field.


China winrars, US eats itself up. Communism in Asia, Putinism in Europe, and well Judaism 2.0 in the U.S

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We are at over 210 Trillion on a 14Trillion economy. How will there be not a war?

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China will get cucked. They have terrible demographics, dependence on fossil fuels from the ME, they are decades behind in military technology, they have few allies, they have high rates of corruption.

lol the China is not comparable to Third Reich. Other than the fact that they both were rising powers, but China is still a developing Nation.

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>Putinism in Europe
Russia is poor as fuck, they depend upon raw material exports to survive.

Attached: Worldbank russia wealth per captia vs OECD.png (680x397, 26.07K)

The United States doesn't have the moral capacity to wage war against any reasonably militar developed country, let alone Russia or China.
As soon as the first jets are tear down and the frst air carrier is sinked, there will be endless protests and outrage calling them to go home.
America can only protect itself or invade weak countries. They don't have the psychology to do anything more.

The US and China will agree to a landmark treaty before a shot is fired. China sends the US 10 million waifus and the US looks the other way as China gets lebensraum in Africa.

Your mistake is thinking for-profit postWW2 proxy wars were "real wars"
If USA wants to annhilate China, they will nuke them off the face of the earth in a couple of hours while distracting their own population with a Big Bang Theory marathon

>If USA wants to annhilate China, they will nuke them off the face of the earth in a couple of hours
China also has nukes. So do Russia. Not that simple. Nukes pretty much force countries to do conventional warfare.

Both China and the Reich were in a position to challenge the existing world order. Germany was retarded and chimped out thus ensuring its destruction, China will wait and develop, winning economically rather than failing militarily.

Checkout the borders, china is claiming eastern russia up to Alaska.

I dont think russia will be on their side.

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You seem to mistake the madness in the US and the UK for a weakness of the establishment. But only the US and the UK can mange their population to be this irrational. The US and UK have very powerful propaganda apparatuses. Its always funny to see Russian and Chinese propaganda and how unsophisticated it is.

They wont do that. They wont even annex Mongolia. Russia is their best ally and their Achilles heel.

>Both China and the Reich were in a position to challenge the existing world order
Yeah but that is where the comparison ends.

>China will wait and develop, winning economically rather than failing militarily.
It isn't tho look what they are doing in HK and India. Besides that China is on the clock

Fuck off back to your thread chang.

>USA and allies stop buying cheap shit from chinks
>chinks are stuck with a shitty environment, and have mcdonalds toys by the boatload
>thats it

Why would they go to war when the West is killing itself? They just have to sit on their asses for 50 years or so and the US empire will be Planet of the Apes tier.

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Every single time some deformed-head zika virus subhuman tries to "argue" with me about this...

Im talking about the USA nuking China. Not Russia. Mutually Assured Destruction exists between US and Russia, the 2 countries who control 95% of the nukes on the planet, not chink bugmen who literally have fucking nothing compared to the US

If the US is nuking China, Russia definitely is not getting involved. If the US is nuking China, their first strike literally wipes chinkoids out, and don't even try to pretend that the country whose navy can be positioned all over the planet for ASAT launches, is gonna get hit by bugmen who wont have any satellites and wont be able to leave the south china sea without getting torpedoed

Absolute fucking imbecile, read up on the balance the only 2 real nuclear powers - US and Russia, then post retarded shit about bugmen like chinks who only have enough nukes to contest other asian monkeys

No, the US elites and the Chinese elites have too much in common.

>than failing militarily.
The Third Reich didn't fail "militarily" they failed diplomatically. If it wasn't for the Land and lease act, or US interference in general, Germany would have conquered the whole of Europe.

>Joseph Stalin, during the Tehran Conference during 1943, acknowledged publicly the importance of American efforts during a dinner at the conference: "Without American machines the United Nations could never have won the war."

And i am sure that if the Third Reich would have taken Russia, The UK would have fallen next.

I agree murica's propaganda is the most sophisticated by far. We all fell for the "american dream", hollywood n shiet. However, their propaganda made them weak and materialistic. They can't psychologically sustain a long war anymore, except if they aren't the ones dying.

The war has already started user. Have you not noticed the propaganda coming out isn’t even trying to be covert?

Vote in the straw poll:

considering most of our technology is made in china, wouldnt we be at a disadvantage from the start?

Where's "not voting"?

We still make weapons. That's pretty much our only industry left.

that, and the fact that the generals were messing with ol' Addy's original plans to focus on Southern Russia

Germany was doomed from the start. Land lease or not, they would have failed.
>China is on the clock
That's what they have been saying about them since forever. The virus was supposed to be their Waterloo. It never materialised.

>If the US is nuking China, Russia definitely is not getting involved. If the US is nuking China, their first strike literally wipes chinkoids out
lol, then why didn't the USA nuked North Korea yet, dumb germanoid? Because they can't. Even if NK can't nuke the USA directly rn, they can nuke Guam, they can nuke Japan or South Korea, and quite easily. They didn't nuke NK not even when their only threat was to blow Seoul up with conventional missiles, let alone now, where they have continental missles ready to nuke a list of countries. They wont ever risk that.

but they can feed you with their tanks or feed you with their tanks, depends which side you chose

Oh boy. Russia is China’s nuclear shield. In the event of an attack on China, they will be allies. This is part of the military doctrine that we are taught in military departments.

china is using covid now with war as an opportunity to harden their population or
it's going to collapse then they do the bad man shuffle.
they have 1.4bn people so it makes sense why they're always stressed out.

China will extend itself too quickly. Supply chains will be more flexible than they calculated. The Americans will stir up minority troubles and worker unrest. They'll wind up with a third of that.

Absolutely delusional that burgers think Russia will let the US nuke its way to world domination.

Even tough china is claiming eastern russia to be theirs?

Are you aware of that claim?

Let them be soil autists. If their neighbors take issue with it they have our phone number.

They've wanted that for years and will be sneaky kikes to try to get their way.

You are a literal subhuman, I can almost hear the 2 rusty gears in your tiny head turning.
Why the hell does the US need to nuke someone as irrelevant as NK, you're braindead.
Stop larping, idiot, you know fucking nothing about "doctrines"
M.A.D. exists between US and Russia, not US, Russia and China. Pretending that Russia is taking the hit for chinks is almost as stupid as what this favelanigger is posting

Why would the US nuke it's own industrial base?

That is not true though

USA and Russia are the only 2 countries making up M.A.D.
I know this makes chink diaspora like you mad, but Russia isnt taking the hit for trash like chinks getting put in their place.

You are permitted to exist on this planet, by US and Russia - the 2 countries who will never fight each other again, but definitely can wipe out anyone they want

>Why the hell does the US need to nuke someone as irrelevant as NK, you're braindead.
My God, you reached levels of brainlet I couldn't think was possible.

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Day 1 of the war: Murrica decides to attack, cruses in with 2 carrier groups, both carriers get sunk with shoreside ballistic missile matteries. The carrier groups never gets within operational range

Day 2 of the war: Murrica incites its population and declare the sinkings its new pearl harbor, 9/11, etc. Japan, S Korea, EU talk a lot of shit but nobody has the balls to do anything.

Day 3 of the war: Murrica launces air strikes on western China from its bases in Iraq, afghanistan and Turkmenistan, but are unable to hit anything important because it's just a bunch of muslims and mountains. China doesn't do anything, just continues dominating the S Shina sea.

Day 4-180 of the war: Murrica talks about deep concern, harsh measures and uses other words, attempts to fund separatism and proxy wars, imposes sanctions. Otherwise is unable to come within striking range and do anything

Day 181 of the war: Murrica sues for peace and pretend they won, China de facto gains control of the entire south China sea

Dude, if the US starts shit with China, we are siding with the latter. We know very well we would be next.

China is claiming entire siberia.
In any case of war they will annex it.

Would it end up like in the raped russian tiger ball meme?

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Day 1 of the war: tactical nuclear strikes against all chink forces + ultimatum
Day 1 of the war (afternoon): chinks surrender

Communists & Jews have always been our main enemies.

You've found some map with weird borders. How does it prove your statement?

>muh nukes against a nuclear country
lol. murricans aren't gonna risk their entire country being destroyed over some Asian islands. they are not that retarded.

>China is claiming entire siberia.
It isn't

If the US is fighting China, Russia is WATCHING, because if you fight the US YOU DESTROY EACH OTHER YOU LOWIQ MONGRELOID


>Even tough china is claiming eastern russia to be theirs?

They cannot do it. Physically, they have enough population to occupy the whole siberia, but this is a war of the 20th century. Now to destroy China, it is enough to blow up dams on large rivers with nuclear weapons and hundreds of millions will die.
Then the famine will begin.

China has nukes too, you know

chinks arent destroying shit
in a nuclear exchange all your shit gets nuked, satellites shot down, and you get to sit there begging to not get annhilated

China officially claims Siberia.


ok dumbass. if it was that easy, it would have happened already.

you know nothing(c) guy from austria sorry))


Yes but you can annihilate the US and China at the same time.

nigger, why are you outing yourself as some expert on ""doctrine"" when you post borderline idiotic shit like this, I dont understand
let me repeat this fact again for you, USA and Russia control 95% of ALL NUKES
the remaining 5% are split between all other nuclear "powers"

If you honestly think that a shithole like china can survive an american first strike, you are an imbecile

>NYT opinion piece is your proof

wew lad

Russia is such a cuck country. China is literally stealing all your technology, copying all your planes and shit not giving a single fuck lmao and here you are defending them when China can’t even beat the pajeet. Gtfo bitch


eah and we will sit and just watch their dreams

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>Germany was doomed from the start. Land lease or not, they would have failed.
You have been indoctrinated.

>That's what they have been saying about them since forever.
Did you look at their demographic forcast? How the fuck will they take care of their elderly if their population will shrink this hard? They are growing old before being rich, which is a really tough position to be in. And they are so far behind the US tech wise, they still rely on Russian engines for their planes for example.

India gets nuked

Everyone is a little bit happier

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theres no reason for anything to happen up to now, chinks were happy being the world's sweatshop and powers at be permitted it
the chink bugman starts larping and he will be quickly put in his place
who the fuck are chinks gonna "nuke" when their satellites mysteriously go down and """someone""" launches a nuke at them from the southpole as a "warning"

gonna nuke the whole planet out of sheer butthurt?
nonwhites are so out of their element, I dont think youve fully realized what age we live in

We tolerate them as long as they are destroying you. Seethe harder
Well, if NY times claims it, I suppose it has to be true
China has enough nukes to bomb the US into the stone age. They aren't going to start shit with China.

you don't understand the point of war. it's not a video game where you just kill people for no reason.

even if 1 chinese nuke makes it into the US, the price is already too high for America. that's why they will never use nukes against a real country that has its own. that's why Iran, NK and others seek their own nukes, because it would prevent them from getting regime changed like so many others.

>who the fuck are chinks gonna "nuke" when their satellites mysteriously go down and """someone""" launches a nuke at them from the southpole as a "warning"

is that how you think it works? did you get this from call of duty? lol

China will provoke a limited naval war with the US to drum up domestic support by unifying the country against a foreign enemy. They will lose the war at sea, but the refusal of the US to invade the mainland will allow the regime to claim they "won" by protecting their homeland and people from colonizers and imperialists. The only real question is will the US try to take Hong Kong after we push China out of the South China Sea. Unfortunately for the Hong Kongers the answer to that is probably "no". We might land troops if there is an active and effective insurrection though.

you think like an american. very straightforward. this is the problem

You can't fight a war without money, and especially not with your "business partners" i.e. Europe. All Putin pestering is just propaganda for the domestic audience, Putin understand all to well how bad it feels to feel weak.

>You have been indoctrinated.
Not an argument. Germany lost all the way in 1941 when the land lease was hardly a thing.