The present population of the South would simply not be possible without air conditioning.
Nobody would live here without Air Conditioning
After sherman burned it, yes, we are still living with the effects today.
texas user with swampass here. can confirm. its like lagos nigeria right now and not just because of the heat.
Who fucking cares? Could anyone live in Sweden without fire? It's called technology and it started when your ancestors were still eating each other, nigger, and it will continue despite the fact that you people still do.
just drink a milkshake and jerk off into a melon
>Could anyone live in Sweden without fire? It's called technology
Fire isn't technology, user.
The large windows aren't just for show. AC allowed cheap niggerbox houses to be built with no consideration for the weather.
I can't wait for the solar flare to give us a year with electricity.
Good, burn it down again. Death to southerners.