The present population of the South would simply not be possible without air conditioning.
Nobody would live here without Air Conditioning
After sherman burned it, yes, we are still living with the effects today.
texas user with swampass here. can confirm. its like lagos nigeria right now and not just because of the heat.
Who fucking cares? Could anyone live in Sweden without fire? It's called technology and it started when your ancestors were still eating each other, nigger, and it will continue despite the fact that you people still do.
just drink a milkshake and jerk off into a melon
>Could anyone live in Sweden without fire? It's called technology
Fire isn't technology, user.
The large windows aren't just for show. AC allowed cheap niggerbox houses to be built with no consideration for the weather.
I can't wait for the solar flare to give us a year with electricity.
Good, burn it down again. Death to southerners.
Harnessing and controlling fire on demand for heating, industry, and cooking is certainly under the umbrella of technology. Arguing semantics doesn't make you look smart.
NY here. It's been 90 degrees the whole month with high humidity and it'll be like this all summer. I don't see how it's any worse down south, when I go down during the summer time I hardly notice any different
We did for a few hundred years and I do today.
Same. 106 here today.
>Harnessing and controlling fire on demand for heating, industry, and cooking is certainly under the umbrella of technology.
Look at this retarded monkey right here. He thinks that turning a fire on and off is technology. Eeels can conjure electricity and fireflies can produce light on demand. They must be so much more advanced than us niggers.
how many niggers did you see today? i actually had a katrina nigger in my house today installing my cable. i had my concealed pistol just incase...
its where the lazy southerner stereotype comes from. So hot they just sit there.
I live in sc
I heat with pine and use no ac
Just many fans
Be a man soft ass
Take the ACpill
It doesn't matter where you live in the US. There's going to come a time during the year when you need air-conditioning.
>installing my cable
Why are you paying for jewavision?
Would be a shame if something happened to the grid
Are you retarded? Humans lived here without air conditioning for centuries. Subhuman Indians lived here without air conditioning for longer than that.
Just how fat are you?
None, surprisingly. Not that it matters- completely overrun with spics.
cable meaning internet via coaxial
NC is nice. got something for everyone +humidity.
I grew up in south Georgia with out ac. I can't stand anything below 70f.
>Humans lived here
Is that what you have there? REALLY?
although i am a comcast customer which is jewnet
I genuinely dont see the big deal.
AC spreads covid
Grew up in Alabama without AC. We didn't have it at home, at school, on the bus, or in my parent's cars. It sucked especially when it was really humid. Sit down on the couch and it feels damp because of the 99% humidity. Go to bed, same thing. At least we weren't Korean so we had box fans running at night pointed at our beds.
My papa grew up in Houston and didn’t have AC. He was born in 1919 and recently passed away. When he came to my graduation in 1999 and said “you guys get ac in here?” He was obviously joking but he went on to tell me it would be over 100 in Houston when he was in school and they had no ac and had to wear wool suits. I don’t know how people could live like that.
What is a berm home.
Only a sucker pays for ac
Let your body cool or heat you based on the season
You're in luck, this is the month for it.
But eels and fireflies haven’t harnessed fire?
a boxfan in the window sucking in the night air is fine
>live in Michigan
>5 months of winter
>it's been 90F+ for the last week and will be again next week
Why don't you go jump in the big water.
I'm from middle TN, grew up with single pane windows and the only air conditionre was a window air conditioner in the living room. I have one in my room now and in my parents room. We used box fans and had a thing that went in the window with 2 fans in it before getting the window AC. You just adapt is all I can say.
You forgot the bottom half of Arizona and New Mexico. Try Phoenix in the summer with no A/C. Nope right the fuck out.
most of us down here grew up too poor for AC
First generation in my family to grow up with it. First generation to shit in the house as well. I'm 31. You make fun of us yet you know full well we never recovered after the War of Northern aggression against the Southern States. Whites killing whites for niggers.. Fucking ((((((bAsEd))))))
OP is a retarded nigger faggot.
The hot weather, and year round growing season in some places, was part of the attraction.
The boomers and subsequent older generations have this belief that suffering == virtue. The more you suffered in life because of hot weather, a shitty job, walking both ways uphill to school and back, etc, the better and more respected a person should be. Well, at least that's what I've gathered interacting with the holier-than-thou boomers in my life.
I think more people migrated to the South after AC was a possibility.
You faggots froze to death up north far from your goofy plantations
I live in Jawjuh. I've always had window unit AC. I just bought a house with premium central HVAC. i feel spoiled
Air conditioning is for faggots and retards that have no idea how to keep a house fresh. Mine is always 20°C be it 0 or 40°C outside and I don't know air conditionner.
Literally true. They leave an air conditioned house get in the car, turn on the AC, and drive to a building (restaurant,work,gym) with AC. I'm so glad I don't live in that shithole.(I work on HVAC shit) I can cool my whole house with one evaporative cooler and two fans. Southern fags literally can't use swamp coolers cause the air is a literal swamp and have to use de humidifiers and empty the gallons of water they collect. Lmao
Those island niggers off india that kill any visitors are so primitive they don't have fire. Yes fire is a technology.
Lol, everyone who thought Corona would go away in the summer forgot that pussies can't live without AC.
id kill myself without air conditioning and i live in MI
Just drink water, in that case.
Did you guys have 40,000 die from a heat wave one year?
That's what happened in Phoenix. Nobody, at least compared to today's population numbers, lived there before A/C became commonplace.
>The present population of the South would simply not be possible without air conditioning.
They were called fans (manual and automatic) and everyone had them back before AC.
At this point, much of the South is just Yankee transplants and niggers.
>mfw native white Southron
I just got back from West Virginia. I’m from faggot Chicago.
That heat there was no fucking joke. I’m dead serious. I haven’t felt anything like that since my corps days.
Hope to move there still someday though.
Ya ours a/c is dying we got quoted 10k for 16 seer American standards 3 ton
That's why all southern burgers are so fucking fat, there's more sugar in that sweet tea than anything else, and all food is fried trash
People would not have flocked there without AC.
Not necessarily. I moved to Colorado from SC when I was twelve and lived there until I was 25. Except on the worst summer days, you really didn't need it there.
Houston weather is even worse because it'll be 99% humidity. At least Phoenix cools down once the sun goes down.
looks like you kill us both in the long run yankee,good job. Just reflect on how you whipped us when niggers are murdering and raping your family in front of you in a few years
if you want a preview of hell just look up south africa
What the fuck? I live in West Virginia. The heat isn't bad at all. Nowhere near as humid as it gets in Virginia.
You could save on electricity if you just did a couple ductless mini splits it's all that is need and you can do zone control that way only cooling parts of the house you use. Congrats on the house though user
You just ruined my memory because i know that’s probably what he was doing.
Why are you making jew slide threads, kike?
Air conditionning won't make it better, on the contrary it will increase the temperature of your cities that are already artificial deserts.
There is centuries of technologies to get proper fresh places, but mutts choose low quality shit and overspending into air conditionning...
Nigger southern home cooking is like manna from heaven