You do know that your racism is irrational?
You do know that your racism is irrational?
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show your tits rabbit slut
Stay on topic
I second this, show us the furmilkers Ivan
ok, another libtard lefty, that has no idea about races
Racism is completely rational. It is the reason for humans greatness, not their thumbs. Pattern recognition is big brain shit. It's the purpose of AI. If you can predict even 1% more efficiently you have a massive advantage.
To the contrary friend, it is very rational.
It's not racist to expect that countries be ruled by the peoples who founded them.
I am not racist. Racism is blind hatred of another race which is ignorance. I am a race realist. Not all niggers are bad, but the large majority of them are. That is not racism, that is fact.
I live in Maryland