You do know that your racism is irrational?

Systemic racism isn't real.

>Racism is blind hatred
No definition of the term, past or present, includes the word blind.

Everyone is racist and has every right to be.
Holding your own kin at different standard aginst those who dont care for your best interest is the only rational way to think. To truly believe that race is only skin-deep is a mistake that will only lead to a knife in the back.
Or for some, a car flying at you at 60mph

anyone got the picture of the Arthur rabbit girl using a squirt gun?

The gopnik faggot appears.

Based hate facts.

>bike stolen by negro
>other stuff stolen by negro
>friend robbed at gun point by three negros
Racism is irrational

Nuh-uh. Go to e621.
>load of disproven nonsence
But who gave them right to found it? If you say a magical word and perform a ritual, does that make your violence somehow more moral than others?
But why do they act so bad? Is it really genes or the magnitude of consequences steming from oppression?

>But who gave them right to found it? If you say a magical word and perform a ritual, does that make your violence somehow more moral than others?
Being white makes us more moral than others, you dump fucking gopnik.

Compared to what?