COVID-19 spreading like wildfire all over the South

34% of all COVID tests in Arizona are positives. 18% in Texas. 24% in Florida. 15% in Georgia. 18% in South Carolina. 15% in Louisiana. 14% in Arkansas.

How long will it take before the Coronavirus Confederacy locks itself down?

Attached: covidconfederacy.png (1176x479, 28.4K)

for all the "more tests mean more cases" copers... how are more tests to blame for the fact that a huge percentage of the South now has the Coronavirus?

trumps killing off his base
fucking retard

they shoulda known he was a snake when they let him in

The US will probably be the only country to actually achieve herd immunity and make the virus simply a normal endemic virus.
Only reason people think herd immunity isn't possible is because they want to delay infections for so long that people lose their immunity. At least the US just said fuck it and is letting it rip.

Even if a vaccine rolls out early next year its safety will be questionable and it will only go to old people for the first 6+months anyway. So really herd immunity is the only way to go.

bruh this is still the first wave

by the time we get herd imm, the vacicne will be out

no point

It just goes to show that:
A) the virus isn’t bad if so many have it and aren’t dead
B) inconsistencies of results in follow up tests
C) increasing demand for an inexpensive treatment already on the market, hcq
D) exposing the lies driving the fear

This is about big picture stuff, sweetie. Pol is 18+ So please go back to the Fortnight

>How long will it take before the Coronavirus Confederacy locks itself down?
Cool now show me California, faggot

The vaccine won't be even started until spring next year and a rollout takes a very long time.
You're looking at minimum 3 months of only vaccinating seniors and that's an optimistic estimate.

Even for flu vaccines we have troubles maintaining the supply. This will be a massive undertaking and will likely not be possible within a reasonable timeframe.

For people in the 20-30 age group don't expect your vaccine until 2022 most likely.

Only a fucking idiot would take this vaccine. They eliminated so many regulatory measures designed to ensure safety that we're going to see a lot of adverse effects. Of course the pharmaceutical companies will be given immunity from civil suits.