COVID-19 spreading like wildfire all over the South

34% of all COVID tests in Arizona are positives. 18% in Texas. 24% in Florida. 15% in Georgia. 18% in South Carolina. 15% in Louisiana. 14% in Arkansas.

How long will it take before the Coronavirus Confederacy locks itself down?

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for all the "more tests mean more cases" copers... how are more tests to blame for the fact that a huge percentage of the South now has the Coronavirus?

trumps killing off his base
fucking retard

they shoulda known he was a snake when they let him in

The US will probably be the only country to actually achieve herd immunity and make the virus simply a normal endemic virus.
Only reason people think herd immunity isn't possible is because they want to delay infections for so long that people lose their immunity. At least the US just said fuck it and is letting it rip.

Even if a vaccine rolls out early next year its safety will be questionable and it will only go to old people for the first 6+months anyway. So really herd immunity is the only way to go.

bruh this is still the first wave

by the time we get herd imm, the vacicne will be out

no point

It just goes to show that:
A) the virus isn’t bad if so many have it and aren’t dead
B) inconsistencies of results in follow up tests
C) increasing demand for an inexpensive treatment already on the market, hcq
D) exposing the lies driving the fear

This is about big picture stuff, sweetie. Pol is 18+ So please go back to the Fortnight

>How long will it take before the Coronavirus Confederacy locks itself down?
Cool now show me California, faggot

The vaccine won't be even started until spring next year and a rollout takes a very long time.
You're looking at minimum 3 months of only vaccinating seniors and that's an optimistic estimate.

Even for flu vaccines we have troubles maintaining the supply. This will be a massive undertaking and will likely not be possible within a reasonable timeframe.

For people in the 20-30 age group don't expect your vaccine until 2022 most likely.

Only a fucking idiot would take this vaccine. They eliminated so many regulatory measures designed to ensure safety that we're going to see a lot of adverse effects. Of course the pharmaceutical companies will be given immunity from civil suits.

>34% of all COVID tests in Arizona are positives.
Why are you making shit up?

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You mean, where the most nigger protesters are?

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Yes the SARS vaccine killed people and the swine flu vaccine had a lot of horrible sides as well and that was just a normal flu vaccine that we know how to produce.

Though we have produced coronavirus vaccines for animals. There's a couple of them for livestock. We produced the one for novel alpaca coronavirus quite quickly as well. Still took 6 years to do though I believe before people felt comfortable giving it to their alpacas. The coronavirus vaccines for livestock were considered pretty big breakthroughs for how fast they were developed.

Consider how many of the people testing themselves are testing because they might have it
Also many already fight off other viruses when they get sick. Their immune systems are better prepared than the urbanites who have to rub everything they touch with a clorox wipe.


There is no such thing as herd immunity faggot. There never was.

Well here's a reddit MIGA fag.

my cousin in Georgia got it and now shes in a coma

Why did COVID skip New Mexico?

They have already said that people show immunity even in minor cases but the mild case immunities only last about 3 months. To get herd immunity you need to really let the virus tear through the population to beat the clock.

Yeah I heard Sweden is entirely dead bodies no more people anymore. Corona stronk deadliest virus all time worse than even koreans

I heard the nothing burger is on special this week

Yes, and also idiotic mouth breathing conservacucks. This will literally kill 5 million of them and grant dems their permanent majority.

Has it not occured to you fucking idiots that this Chinese bioweapon is being used, in conjunction with payouts to conservative media, to kill of the GOP's chances of ever winning a national election.

Y'all fucking complained about lockdowns and masks, but the South will get so fucked - especially the millions with long term breathing and neurological consequences - that plan B, secession, won't be possible because the entire South will be on disability from the feds.

You fucking idiots walked right into the trap with your gay "the virus is fake" bullshit.

Pretty much. This was hyped up as apocalyptic- plague doctors and body carts, people rotting in the streets, mass pandemonium, Walking Dead shit--- instead we got a cheap Chinese knockoff. I'll bet there's a lot of people kicking themselves in the ass for eating bottles of antibiotics every time they smell a wet fart or bathing in a tub of hand sanitizer every 4 hours.

Still not wearing a fucking face diaper. Survival of the fittest is a bitch ain't it?

Then corona just comes back after that. Your "tear through the population" could be achieved with a one-time one month lockdown followed up by actual testing and so forth.

How are protesters, rioters and looters, immune?

People are only getting tested of they have symptoms or had contact with someone who tested positive. So of course you're going to get high positive results.

























It would come back as an endemic. Same as any other coronavirus.

The mortality rate in Maine (that has tons of seniors in it) is 0.03% right now.

this kills the flu shill

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They're social distancing idiot. They weren't for a few weeks but then changed tune. The majority of businesses allow telework.
You don't go out and socialize, the virus dies down. Only faggot idiot MIGA southerners thought it was fine to just go party and fuck it if I die I die.
And they restrict testing.
And they're lying about deaths.

And no, you cannot achieve the same thing with lockdowns since you're literally working against time.

You have 3-6 months to achieve herd immunity before people start losing immunity.

RIP in peace, Swedcucks.

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Who cares? It's nothing but a little flu.

Good. Trump's base will be half dead come the election.

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No, it isn't.
I don't know a single person who's had it,
and I don't know a single person who has it now,
and neither does anyone I'm in contact with.

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THere's no herd immunity and deaths are already catching up. Idiot.

And mutate to be worse, which is has in Iran and Kazakhstan.

The deep south doesn't want to lock down again. They are going to push as hard as possible before the do and when they do its going to be too late. Prepare for some really fucking cheap houses down south.

Death is a part of life, Sushi Roll. I thought you idiots knew that.

Fuck off. Been around people supposedly with the "virus" and I haven't caught shit

Well, one of the coworkers in my small business just tested positive today, and we work in the same room with no masks. I guess it’s just a matter of time then... bring it on.

It’s been pretty quiet otherwise, we’ve been fine for the rest of the time, even when we went about our day like this shit didn’t exist

> t. Bamanon

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Mutations most likely will not create a worse virus. A successful virus would actually cause humans no symptoms at all. The only goal of a virus is replication and transmission. The deadliness of a virus is not an evolutionary advantage, it's a disadvantage.
Look how well ebola and SARS did. Deadly diseases do not spread well.

See you in 28 days faggot.

Worst part is that there are ton of people that still think that this is the grim reaper in the form of a virus even though it's clearly shown that it's a fucking pansy ass virus that's done FAR less damage than even the worser flu seasons in the previous years. I'm tired of it and I'm beginning to think that this'll only end when Bill Gates gives us the mark of the beast.

Its not like people die instantly you idiot. It can take weeks to months to go from infected to dead.
In Florida for example some hostpials have already hit their ICU limit and within the past week we have gone from 1,300 open ICU beds to 859 open ICU beds in the entire state.
Do you think all the people in the ICU are going to live?
The deaths will come it just takes time

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Great, hope you die young and needlessly alone with the ones you love.

Then open everything up and let's get this over with

You do get SOME immunity it's more of a matter of how long it lasts for. People are getting reinfected because they get sick, self-isolate for months and months and then lose their immunity.

The more you're exposed to a virus the stronger your immune response will be. It's why vaccines use booster shots.

I had it and so did a lot of my family. Only the older members and the morbidly obese asthmatic man had any issues and all are well once more

you're trying way too hard, senpai.

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks this is a serious disease. If you're young and healthy and worried about this you have mental illness. Go outside. get some vitamin D and workout.


>Redditcels mad because people are partying and they aren't

Like clockwork

False positives. The test makers are in on the scam and funded by the same people who want Trump out. Shutdowns through November are essential to the coup attempt underway.

Also if you want to know what the most successful viruses are lookup endogenous retroviruses.
They did nothing other than alter the genome to produce a minor increase in the chance of certain cancers or other diseases. Otherwise they spread and reproduced basically with no effects.
For modern humans about 5-10% of our DNA is made up of the remnants of extinct endogenous retroviruses from 60+ million years ago.