Canadians will be debt slaves forever

>Just the federal government, not including provincial governments just added a third of a trillion dollars to our total debt. In one year.

>The government was already running deficits for 4 years. The government has given up even touching the debt and we now pay off the interest of debt payments with, you guessed it, more debt.

Attached: 43242.jpg (766x710, 63.42K)

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>we now pay off the interest of debt payments with, you guessed it, more debt
textbook definition of bankruptcy how is the country not legitimately collapsing right now what's keeping it going?

It's just inflation. Buy gold and bitcoin.

We laugh at the US but we are burning through cash so fast. We’ll be in the same situation as the US by fall.
This isn’t good.

What's ottawa buying with all the money?

is there any point in even looking for a career in canada right now? is anyone hiring?


>if you pay your debts your enemies win

Any Canadian laughing at the us is a brainlet

Im not an economist but since they practically created a third more debt by what is essentially just printing more money we should expect the cost of goods to rise by a third, we've already seen grocery prices rise.
Im not the polish price poster but we have to admit food prices have been rising.
I dont think people will be able to pay prices like that not long term.