>Just the federal government, not including provincial governments just added a third of a trillion dollars to our total debt. In one year.
>The government was already running deficits for 4 years. The government has given up even touching the debt and we now pay off the interest of debt payments with, you guessed it, more debt.
>we now pay off the interest of debt payments with, you guessed it, more debt textbook definition of bankruptcy how is the country not legitimately collapsing right now what's keeping it going?
Jeremiah Anderson
It's just inflation. Buy gold and bitcoin.
Jeremiah Campbell
We laugh at the US but we are burning through cash so fast. We’ll be in the same situation as the US by fall. This isn’t good.
Mason Russell
What's ottawa buying with all the money?
Nathan Harris
is there any point in even looking for a career in canada right now? is anyone hiring?
Christopher King
Jack Lee
>if you pay your debts your enemies win
Adrian Reyes
Any Canadian laughing at the us is a brainlet
Mason Turner
Im not an economist but since they practically created a third more debt by what is essentially just printing more money we should expect the cost of goods to rise by a third, we've already seen grocery prices rise. Im not the polish price poster but we have to admit food prices have been rising. I dont think people will be able to pay prices like that not long term.
Alexander Richardson
probably all the shit they normally do but with drastically reduced tax income because the economy was shut down (still shut down in a lot of ways, can't even go to a fucking gym)
Angel King
>textbook definition of bankruptcy how is the country not legitimately collapsing right now what's keeping it going? The jews will continue to offer credit lines as long as the golem politicians serve
Luis Peterson
national debt will never be paid off, by any country. This is by design, fuck the jews and politicians
Liberals like to spend money they dont have. It's the next prime ministers problem
Connor Campbell
Bunch of "diversity" spending to help special interest groups "fight COVID" (aka bribes) + paying millions of Canadians $4000 a month not to work (aka bribes). Shit adds up fast.
William Hughes
It's a ploy to move towards union with the United States, we'll absorb your debt in exchange for your provinces becoming states
Christian Thompson
Grocery stores, IT jobs you can work remotely.
Eventually farms when the TFWs stop showing up. Government is also trying to fill seats knowing they won’t be hiring for awhile.
Wage subsidies are a big part of it, CERB which is basically 1000-2000 bucks a month.
John Howard
what are my chances of finding a decent entry level STEM position in this economy?
I'm thinking I need to leave the country
Jaxson Richardson
Don't worry leaf the Rothschilds will loan you some money
Nolan Watson
"but we had a pandemic, I didn't go under, thanks trudeau!"
This country is full of sheep. It wasn't responsible spending. He gave every single group millions, whenever he could. Yeah you've got to spend in a pandemic, but they went overboard. He's a UN child, a socialist wanting to create a nation of dumb, brown, bottom class workers forever in debt. I honestly want to move to America. Well ... Alaska.
is all so tiring man. i got taxed over 20k last year and that all went to paying interest on some bullshit debt that no one ever asked me about.
Brandon Lewis
The US federal debt is many times worse than the Canadian debt. The US estimating a $4 trillion deficit this year and a trillion dollar deficit last year. On a per person level, we have way less government debt. If Trudeau matched US spending on debt, we'd have had a $100 billion deficit last year instead of our $20 billion
Aiden Carter
The WeCharity thing is so fucking stupid, did they think we would all overlook trudeau giving almost a billion dollars to who basically are his childhood friends?
Connor Hernandez
Go where? Everywhere is COVID fucked.
Asher Russell
No they won’t. They are old and white.
The Chinese will.
Kayden Gray
>grocery stores >farms >IT I need to use my degree or the opportunity cost of doing something else will destroy me, I'm prepared to leave the country if necessary
Cameron Cook
Yes, but the rest of the world is too invested in our currency to let it collapse.
David Butler
The economy is going to shit. It’s basically their retirement plan. Trump isn’t even remotely this corrupt.
Isaiah Diaz
Benjamin Richardson
International aid spending from government has fallen as a % of our GDP since Trudeau entered government. You're just an idiot getting played by political move you don't understand
I found this study from the fraser institiute, about 10 cents of every dollar Canadians pay in taxes goes to paying off the INTEREST of government debt.
Debt has nothing do with inflation, unless the debt is never paid back. Then your currency collapses. I can't think of a single developed country that has ever defaulted on bond payments. Argentina, if it counts
Benjamin Gray
We keep telling ourselves this lie
In reality, the fed is nothing but a drug addict. The drug is financial stimulus and they will just keep doing more and more until it is too late
Isaiah Myers
And go where? You think the rest of the world will fair better against COVID? We have a fairly spread out population. Just avoid the cities and you won’t die.
Asia is still getting case spikes, India and Latin America are just getting started.
We are NOT done with COVID. This is just the calm from billions spent to keep people home. This won’t last forever. I’d just take an any job and give up on whatever idealistic belief you imagined would be your future
Hudson Foster
considering where this question is being asked I obviously can't give much detail but generally speaking engineering beats min wage for sure but not a long term solution for me
Carson Powell
I think theres jobs, the major problem with debt like this is that even if you make a good salary it becomes less every year due to inflation. 50k salary in 5-10 years from now will be worth less.
Gabriel Garcia
>Don't correct my mistake, just let me be retarded and spread my faggot headcanon
This is literally what is happening across the entire world. Endless debt enslavement.
Logan Phillips
they are giving money to blackrock, just like you guys.
Jaxon Nguyen
i dont want to sounds like a doomer, but you're pretty much SOL. I grad'd from one of the top 3 unis in Canada, with a STEM degree, and there is very few jobs in actual engineering left and most of them require a masters. And with COVID, we're all fucked.
Please step into my office as I show you the wonders of operations management.
Josiah Hernandez
I think he means if they dont even pay interest back. Governments around the world still pay interest on their debts, thats why its enslavement.
Kevin Garcia
I still remember when our country reelected that fucker... I gave my fellow leafs too much credit. Fuck em'. Canada is lost.
Joseph Nguyen
But Scheer also sucked. Quebec Basically voted 3rd party and cost the cons seats.
Dylan Clark
>343 billion leaf bux How much is that in American dollars?
Mason Reed
>Just avoid the cities and you won’t die. who the fuck cares about this meme virus I'm talking about finding a job and possible economic collapse
Sweden never closed anything, they have one of the lowest debt to GDP ratios in Europe and I could still go to the fucking gym there
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Canada is just going to import people to pay that back. 500 000 a year. Its not like the US where they let in anybody, you need money to immigrate to Canada properly
Gavin Green
252 billion.
Julian Myers
>tfw debt-free
Austin Wood
You won’t find a job. The meme virus isn’t a meme. Our economy is a federal deficit bubble.
Logan Parker
It comes out of your taxes, its not your personal debt its government debt.
Jonathan Hughes
I think hearing our hideous goblin health minister say that we have no reason to doubt the official virus numbers coming out of China might have been the final straw, I don't know if there's a point in staying here
Easton Gutierrez
why spend on foreign aid when you just let foreigners in?
Canada is taking in more refugees than any other nation per captia, we don't know where 2/3rds of deportable illegals are and we are consistently loosening restrictions around citizenships. Fuck foreign aid, he's making our own country foreign.
Very quickly we are becoming something that isn't our father's country. In ten years, being Canadian won't mean a damn thing. You should visit Victoria or Brampton sometime, see for yourself.
Federal debt is actually really easy to reduce. Usually, by simply letting bonds come to maturity, have the gdp grow and running surpluses debt can be made small within 10 years. Canada more than halved it's effective debt load by not cutting taxes until that retard Stephen got in