Thoughts on how shit my country is

Since its election year and New Zealanders are going to the polls to cast judgement on this toothless government I thought I'd share some statistics.

> Higher levels of drug abuse than Thailand and Indonesia per capita.

> 25% of children are expected to fall below 50% of the median household income compared with Australia's current 17% and Britain's 12%.

> Criminal gangs are recruiting more people than our police force.

> 13% of New Zealand children are denied basic materials needed for human existence.

> More New Zealanders work extremely long hours than Americans (14% to 11%).

> Higher levels of wealth inequality than Great Britain.

> No overtime or penal rates.

> Worst youth suicide rate in the OECD.

> Third world levels of preventable diseases among children.

> 31% of New Zealanders are obese compared with 40% of Americans, our figure is only behind Mexico and America.

> Among OECD nations, New Zealand ranks extremely highly in incarceration rates. Some of the worst in the world.

Attached: 1920px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png (480x240, 7.57K)

You forgot 100% sheep fucking.

Good on you for making this but I'm afraid it'll likely be ignored by foreigners and our own as is usually the case.
Soul crushing to spend ones life labouring under the illusion that nz is enlightened, all sunshine and lollipops

Ardern is a cult. Ardern is a fucking fraud of a prime minister. Fucking useless. Kiwi build failed. Pike river mine recovery failed.

Look at your coat of arms. It really speaks for itself.

Whatever happened to Winston Peters? I haven't heard a single thing about him after the last election, and is he just a meme?

Winston First is a fucking lying traitorous prick. He campaigned at the last election that he would bring back commonsense and trust to parliament and now he's enjoying the very baubles of office he promised he would ignore. Fucking gutless lying piece of trash.

You're still white. That's all that matters in the long run. Culture and society are just manifestations of the population.

Basically, he is a self-interested narcissist who has been conning pensioners for donations since 1993. Winston gets over 5% by being based on immigration but then folded over the Migration Compact.

He whinged and moan about the Asian Invasion but did nothing at all when he formed a coalition with Labour in 2005.

>one of the best countries in the world
sure thing first worlder