Thoughts on how shit my country is

Since its election year and New Zealanders are going to the polls to cast judgement on this toothless government I thought I'd share some statistics.

> Higher levels of drug abuse than Thailand and Indonesia per capita.

> 25% of children are expected to fall below 50% of the median household income compared with Australia's current 17% and Britain's 12%.

> Criminal gangs are recruiting more people than our police force.

> 13% of New Zealand children are denied basic materials needed for human existence.

> More New Zealanders work extremely long hours than Americans (14% to 11%).

> Higher levels of wealth inequality than Great Britain.

> No overtime or penal rates.

> Worst youth suicide rate in the OECD.

> Third world levels of preventable diseases among children.

> 31% of New Zealanders are obese compared with 40% of Americans, our figure is only behind Mexico and America.

> Among OECD nations, New Zealand ranks extremely highly in incarceration rates. Some of the worst in the world.

Attached: 1920px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png (480x240, 7.57K)

You forgot 100% sheep fucking.

Good on you for making this but I'm afraid it'll likely be ignored by foreigners and our own as is usually the case.
Soul crushing to spend ones life labouring under the illusion that nz is enlightened, all sunshine and lollipops

Ardern is a cult. Ardern is a fucking fraud of a prime minister. Fucking useless. Kiwi build failed. Pike river mine recovery failed.

Look at your coat of arms. It really speaks for itself.

Whatever happened to Winston Peters? I haven't heard a single thing about him after the last election, and is he just a meme?

Winston First is a fucking lying traitorous prick. He campaigned at the last election that he would bring back commonsense and trust to parliament and now he's enjoying the very baubles of office he promised he would ignore. Fucking gutless lying piece of trash.

You're still white. That's all that matters in the long run. Culture and society are just manifestations of the population.

Basically, he is a self-interested narcissist who has been conning pensioners for donations since 1993. Winston gets over 5% by being based on immigration but then folded over the Migration Compact.

He whinged and moan about the Asian Invasion but did nothing at all when he formed a coalition with Labour in 2005.

>one of the best countries in the world
sure thing first worlder

I went to Central Auckland in 2018 and there were no white people in sight, or New Zealanders at all, aside from some homeless Maori people.

Do you guys really use as much sugar in your products as the Burgers?

Why such a high suicide rate?

Why are so many people joining gangs?

What would the simplest solution to all this be (without intense bloodshed)?

>t. ignorant Leaf

Attached: Commonwealth Pepes.jpg (960x796, 118.62K)

NZ is a paradise

>What would the simplest solution to all this be (without intense bloodshed)?
All I know is that NZ's last chance to set things right was for Winston First to reject the UN migration compact like he promised before the election but Winston First put Winston First and not New Zealand and so now it's Winston First and New Zealand Last.

> No, it's just that Polynesians are some of the fattest people on earth.

> Rudimentary to non existent mental health infrastructure, endemic bullying in schools.

> Woeful and abusive social safety net that leaves most people in penury if they need help. This then creates a vicious cycle where violence and abuse becomes common - young men then join bikie gangs or the even more violent street gangs for support structures. Gangs do things like provide food and shelter for those who join.

> Substandard worker rights.

Move to Aus when the borders open. You are literally the only country that can come and work wherever you want.

I really want to in future, I can't wait to leave this shit heap to call myself Australian.

Why do you guys fuck the Maori so much?

those are all spurious reasons. The real reason NZ is shit is because its just laughably lame in all aspects good and bad. Our gangs are just dumbass losers that sell drugs and sit around. Politics is just centre left vs centre right with random nanny state shit thrown in.
Our national identity is a buffet of assorted recreational activities and a handful individual achievements that have been overemphasized by advertising.
The great defining moment was a retarded military campaign that failed miserably. I dont even know what the take home message of Gallipoli is.
People here are just comfortable and ignorant and have no extreme opinions or perspective on the world.

Are the Maori the niggers of new zealand?

>toothless government

Your PM has plenty of tooth

>child poverty
>failing education
>wealth inequality
>quality of life in the toilet
And you forgot
>gun ban
sounds like Canada mate, or pretty much any western country you care to mention
It's like these globalist leaders whom are winning minority governments or majorities by the slimmest of margins, pad their resumes by how much they can fuck a country up

I didn't realise how much worse New Zealand actually was. Holy shit I'm sorry.

essentially but I dont think they are as bad as niggers. They are definitely low IQ and low self control. I think we are less segregated and Maoris dont really go on about racism except regarding the cops. There isnt 'open' racism against Maoris - there is no 'n' word here that actually gets used. They do screech a lot when drunk and triggered esp middle aged women holy shit.

Lived in NZ for a year. Salary is a fucking joke, standard pay is like 14 NZD. Full of Indians, Samoans and Chinese.

Every Maori is illiterate, on crack, and fat as fuck.

Still thinking

Drug Abuse, Obesity and the Gangs are all obviously Polynesian problems, the cunts are always fat, high and in a gang here.

NZ is a very backwards country. Our level of sophistication is low.

Our right wing party has had no new policy ideas for the last 50 years and campaigns on keeping tax low for the rich and building roads.

New Zealand lacks innovation in our economy and thus our business sector lacks competition which keeps prices high and wages low. NZ is highly risk averse when it comes to productive investments as our ethos is per the number 8 wire mentality which refers to the size of steel wire used to fence off farms which is used for shoddy repairs rather than a do it once do it right approach. This is seen in our housing where building standards on insulation have been continuously updated which see a lot of houses having to be insulated two and three times.

Housing in NZ is ridiculously expensive, and takes the average first home buyer to save 8 times the median wage for a 20% deposit. Children in NZ are mainly born to dumb single mothers which has massive dysgenic effect.

Yeah, I’ll take them over niggers anyday

NZers are also very proud of being a 'Kiwi' and have an outsized and unfounded national pride that would make a German in 1930 blush.

The fact that every politician that promises anything that might benefit the people immediately turns back on it no matter the country is depressing