Why do they buy 200mill corona vaccine doses but only 30mill influenza doses?

The UK is only using 30mill influenca vaccine doses this fall. Influenca is more infectious than SARS-2, creates many 1000s of hospitalizations each season and can, in bad years, kill 10,000s.

Yet they don’t even bother to vaccinate the under 50s.

How does this work with the corona narrative? Influenca and corona both don’t kill healthy people below 50. They just don’t. Why then buy 200 mill doses for corona vs. just 30 mill for influenca?

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Don't know but we firebombed Dresden and got away with it

>Influenca and corona both don't kill healthy people below 50.
Why are you lying? You know that is not true.

Don't take the vaccine, UK bros. This is revenge for Brexit.

Corona is more infectious, so more people overall will get it. Stop being a fucking retard.

Not everyone gets flu shots. Some years they even produce less than the demand to create false scarcity and drive up demand. Nothing makes the typical consumer want something more than it not being available.
Covid vax will require at least 2 spaced out doses. People will be flocking to drive up pharmacy tents and waiting in 6 hour lines to get it because the media has been terrorizing them for half a year.

Flu jab is free you mongoloid.

They are mostly bullshit.
Here's a flu vaccine that may stop 1 (one) strain of flu, good luck with the other 50,000 variants.

Just take this fucking vaccine, don't be a baby, if you are scared of becoming autistic, don't worry you already are

The vaccine normally protects against 4 prominent strains from that year.