Why do they buy 200mill corona vaccine doses but only 30mill influenza doses?

The UK is only using 30mill influenca vaccine doses this fall. Influenca is more infectious than SARS-2, creates many 1000s of hospitalizations each season and can, in bad years, kill 10,000s.

Yet they don’t even bother to vaccinate the under 50s.

How does this work with the corona narrative? Influenca and corona both don’t kill healthy people below 50. They just don’t. Why then buy 200 mill doses for corona vs. just 30 mill for influenca?

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Don't know but we firebombed Dresden and got away with it

>Influenca and corona both don't kill healthy people below 50.
Why are you lying? You know that is not true.

Don't take the vaccine, UK bros. This is revenge for Brexit.

Corona is more infectious, so more people overall will get it. Stop being a fucking retard.

Not everyone gets flu shots. Some years they even produce less than the demand to create false scarcity and drive up demand. Nothing makes the typical consumer want something more than it not being available.
Covid vax will require at least 2 spaced out doses. People will be flocking to drive up pharmacy tents and waiting in 6 hour lines to get it because the media has been terrorizing them for half a year.

Flu jab is free you mongoloid.

They are mostly bullshit.
Here's a flu vaccine that may stop 1 (one) strain of flu, good luck with the other 50,000 variants.

Just take this fucking vaccine, don't be a baby, if you are scared of becoming autistic, don't worry you already are

The vaccine normally protects against 4 prominent strains from that year.


We don't need 200mil corona vaccines. Where did you read this?

Only old people need flu shots.

Will I get the good autism where I know how to glitch into parallel universes in Mario 64 and jump 99999 meters in Bubsy 3D?

I hope so

>oh no I might have a running nose and fever for a week of this year, better let myself be injected with heavy metals and GMO virus particles

Do normies really?

It's free government god provided healthcare, you don't question it, remember. It's literal utopia perfection.

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>why do government and corporation steal
>why do they make retarded reasons up as to why

If something is free, you are the product.

Corona vaccine will probably be mandatory for employment.

It's generally true and you are a pedantic moron.

Brainlet pudding here.


You are a liar anti-masker anti-vaxxer.

A population has an innate immunity to regular flu due to some people having it in the past. Only 1-2% of the population will actually get the flu in a given season. So you only need to target the vulnerable.

With COVID. Nobody is immune. Likely, 60% of the population will get it. Hospitals can't keep up with that. Not good for the economy either to have half your workforce at home coofing.

>Why then
they have to pretend the coronahoax is real until they have got the financial reboot locked in. If people realize what is happening to their money and their independence the game will be over tomorrow. Corona is the common cold. Bankers are stealing all your wealth.

Guess that means they plan to continue social distancing. The flu isn't as easily transmitted as covid so with all the masks and distancing the flu isn't much of an issue atm.

Not a liar. Others yes.

Masks are, in the typical public manner of use, disease soaked rags that 100% spread diseases.

And yet if you double the amount of deaths so far this year that's less than double the amount of yearly deaths from the flu worldwide.

Deaths where it "contributed" are included as well.

>half your workforce

80+ year olds make up a statistically significant portion of employees?

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>corona and influenza both don't kill healthy people

100% of the population will get it.
40% will develop sickness, due to lacking natural immunity caused by genetic similarity to every other common cold virus.
6% will develop symptoms.
1% goes to hospital for them.
0,005% - 0,01% will die.
Average age of deaths is 82.

Firebombing Dresden was necessary to break the German spirit in 1945. After Dresden, most people knew that there was no escape, so it was either fight and get killed or get killed in bombings.

We have 3 deaths from corona below 20 yrs old in Germany, all with very severe prior health conditions. We have another 50 deaths or so from 20 to 40, again nearly all (or all) with prior health conditions. We have around 150 or so deaths 40 to 49, my guess is again with prior health conditions.

The flu also kills very few healthy people below 50, it is a very rare situation.

>Corona is more infectious
Influenza is more infectious. That is not even up for debate, but evidenced that despite masks and social distancing, the flu wasn’t contained during the lockdowns.

>Covid vax will require at least 2 spaced out doses
Depends on the vax and the age of the person. The Oxford vaccine introduced antibodies and specific T-cell immunity in 90% of people with one dose... and 100% with two doses. Other vaccines seem to be quite similar in efficiency.

I keep saying this to everybody, but its like they here rain and just repeat whatever they are saying in the TV. They are scared of a cold virus, its pathetic.
its all a sick joke, what the hell is happening, why are they doing all this lockdown scare bullshit?

Imagine actually getting the flu jab lmao! I know one dude that used to get it and he always got the flu fucking dumbass. His logic was that it gives him the flu so he can beat next time. Then the next hear he gets another jab and gets the flu again!

>We don't need 200mil corona vaccines. Where did you read this?
Announced earlier this year.


The UK government has signed deals for 90 million doses of promising coronavirus vaccines that are being developed.

The vaccines are being researched by an alliance between the pharmaceutical companies BioNtech and Pfizer as well as the firm Valneva.

The new deal is on top of 100 million doses of the Oxford University vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca.

>Then the next hear he gets another jab and gets the flu again!
Flu shots back sense. I also never had the flu, the got the flu shot and also haf the flu that year. It’s ok, it makes you a harder, tougher person.