I'm worried about the state of things. I live in the Chicago burbs and feel its only a matter of time before this nonsense comes my way and someone starts looking for trouble.
I have a family to think about and a second child on the way. What should I do to prepare my home defense? I have a FOID Card.
Reinforce your doors first. There is a 70-80 kit that does the lock, the handle, the hinges, and the frame. If you have a giant sliding door or doors with lots of glass you are retarded. Get some sort of firearm you are comfortable with. For 200 bucks you can get a shotgun. You can store them cruiser ready.
Robert Gray
Get a handgun first for home defense and am AR when you join the boogaloo movement
Michael Young
>i live in the chicago burbs unironically kys city scum
Jackson Brown
Home defense? Shotgun Chimpout, SHTF, Compound or base defense -AR15 Sidearm or concealed carry - Pistol If I could only have one gun I would go with the rifle. If shit really gets real your not gonna have to worry about concealed carry.
12 gauge pump action. Highest capacity tube you can get. Try to find and buy as much #4 buckshot you can find. If you go the 9mm pistol route buy a sig p365 or springfield hellcat. Buy as much hollow point or hornady critical defense as you can find. Practice as much as possible (with ball ammo though not defense rounds). Good luck.