I'm worried about the state of things. I live in the Chicago burbs and feel its only a matter of time before this nonsense comes my way and someone starts looking for trouble.
I have a family to think about and a second child on the way. What should I do to prepare my home defense? I have a FOID Card.
Reinforce your doors first. There is a 70-80 kit that does the lock, the handle, the hinges, and the frame. If you have a giant sliding door or doors with lots of glass you are retarded. Get some sort of firearm you are comfortable with. For 200 bucks you can get a shotgun. You can store them cruiser ready.
Robert Gray
Get a handgun first for home defense and am AR when you join the boogaloo movement
Michael Young
>i live in the chicago burbs unironically kys city scum
Jackson Brown
Home defense? Shotgun Chimpout, SHTF, Compound or base defense -AR15 Sidearm or concealed carry - Pistol If I could only have one gun I would go with the rifle. If shit really gets real your not gonna have to worry about concealed carry.
12 gauge pump action. Highest capacity tube you can get. Try to find and buy as much #4 buckshot you can find. If you go the 9mm pistol route buy a sig p365 or springfield hellcat. Buy as much hollow point or hornady critical defense as you can find. Practice as much as possible (with ball ammo though not defense rounds). Good luck.
Christopher Harris
You can get a mossberg 80 for 99 bucks.
Colton Reyes
Safe-proof the house first, keep a fire extinguisher in every room. Reinforce your doors with iron plating or add on bulk and stronger handles, hinges and frame. Bullet-proof plexiglass windows. Guns, at least 5. Ammo = enough to take down a small army. Then you are good to go.
Landon Myers
Ugh. You just ruined a perfectly good pepperoni and mozz grilled cheese. You bastard!
Brody Reed
I have a Hi Point 995TS. A meme-gun on /k/ but works just fine. Would recommend for home defense. Most of the people that would advocate for a two thousand dollar gun or something think that hardware overrides user error, and it doesn't.
What!? Do you eat those regularly? What kind of bread? Do you dip it in pizza sauce? Teach me your ways
Gabriel Allen
I got a .300 pistol too. fucking love it. i keep it in my safe, the readily accessible guns are the Glock 23 in the night stand and the Savage 320 12ga. in the corner
Aye, I dip it in pizza sauce. I use white bread my wife makes. I take two slices, put shredded mozz on both sides, put pepperoni on one side and put them both in the toaster oven face up. When the cheese is melted it is done. Put both sides together, cut into 4 triangles and dip into pizza sauce warmed in the microwave. It is fantastic.
Christian Thomas
If I had to do it over, I’d get a .223 AR pistol solely for price of ammo. May end up building a .40cal AR pistol, I think that would suffice
Dominic Jackson
If you can't get an AR-15, get a shotgun and load it with buck shot or slugs.
>Get a handgun first for home defense I respectfully disagree user. If I lay a pistol and a rifle on a table and tell you in ten seconds a motherfucker is going to come through that door with a machete and fuck you up, which gun do you think you're going to grab? 80 fucking percent of motherfuckers shot with pistols survive that shit. You also have to consider the possibility that every motherfucker out there is wearing at least level 2 armor, so there goes your common pistol calibers. Also in the heat of the moment you're more than likely going to panic magdump into a motherfucker and'll be shit out of luck if there's more than one motherfucker who needs to die, so you want something with a lot of motherfucking bullets.
Sides=slices. I put shredded mozz on both slices and pepperoni on one and toast them face up.
Joseph Hill
Also have a 300 pistol, also love it, keep it chambered on headboard of bed. Also keep regular ar chambered and under bed. Also keep .308 rifle next to dresser, and an AK underfold hidden and in reach of front door. Oh and always got my walther ppq on or next to me. All other freedom devices in safe
Josiah Reyes
9mm and .40 are the only correct answers, anyone recommending a shotgun is a mental midget
Christopher Butler
>mossberg 80 are you fucking retarded? the mossberg 80 is not a shotgun. i know you meant maverick 88 (made by mossberg) but still, shut the fuck up. also it's 200 not 99 you fucking retard
Robert Phillips
The answer you need to hear is that you need to get yourself and your family out of the warzone and into a safe area. A gun can protect you from sudden death, but it won't protect you from the activist judges and jury of animals that will stop at nothing to ruin your life, your families life, and ensure that you can never work there again. What do you think such a corrupt state will do with your children when you defend them from rape and murder? They'll take them, and they will exploit and abuse them in every sick way you can imagine. Get out, save your money, think about your family and stop fantasizing yourself as some bad ass with a gun that can stop a mob or the power of the state. You cannot and your family will suffer if you try.
Jayden Robinson
I got an M&P 15 Sport. Mine has a fixed front sight. Got a Ruger LC9 handgun too. Plink with a M&P 15-22 too.
Anons, where can I go to learn about guns and how to shoot? Like OP, I'm worried about protecting my family and if Biden wins, they'll go after the guns for sure. Time is growing short.
Xavier Ortiz
This gun is fun to shoot...
David Martinez
Obviously a PM, you have no need to shot at long distance in an house. Small maniable weapon, high capacity ammo, most walls will stop the bullets, so this dont limit your fire arc, great stopping power. With an AR you will put hole everywhere (especially in mutt cardboard houses), this will limit your ability to shoot, because you don't want to shoot your family behind wall and the stopping power is not that good. An old shot gun work well too.
Use google, get a rifle, you don't need to know how to shoot those, they just work, if your bullets are hitting the ground aim higher, simple point and click interface, just learn how to clear malfunctions
Wyatt Rivera
Have a few... Stoeger 12 gauge Stoeger DTR S &W MP Shield 9mm
Jason Stewart
you can't even buy .223 right now anywhere
Jaxson Smith
Don’t buy the CZ. The stribog is way better for about the same price
Pretty sure Cook County actually has a magazine restriction. 10 rounds.
That being said, I hear semi-automatic shotguns are nice.
Jayden Flores
STOEGER STR ...best guy to watch on YouTube is the Honest Outlaw
James Torres
I am literally picking up this exact gun on Tuesday.
Love the M&P lineup from S&W. Also have a M&P Shield. My first gun actually, bought it in the gun panic of 2020. No more guns for me for a while, prices are insane on everything and I have enough weapons and ammo to protect myself in case of SHTF.
Tyler James
We have a whole board for this
but you could join a gun club, take a concealed carry course, buy a membership to a shooting range, etc. A sub compact handgun is going to be your most versatile option. You can carry it concealed everywhere, and they're accurate to any range you'd reasonably be defending yourself at.
Luke Williams
They won't eat everything. You have to be sure what you are shooting will cycle it.
Luke Russell
>you can get a thing that doesn't exist for a price that's unrealistic in blm pandemic pricing very helpful
Blake Collins
true. but when there isn’t a run on ammo, it’s dirt fucking cheap and everywhere. im stocked up on it with only one AR15
Alexander King
Feels good to have panic bought in January because of covid.
I live a little south of Minneapolis, can't wait for the acquittals for shit to really pop off
Dont listen to the retards saying to get a handgun or a shotgun. An AR 15 is objectively the best firearm for home defense in practically every situation.
Kevin Foster
223 is shit, get a 10mm PCC and stock up. No one here is going to have an engagement zone beyond 100 yards.
Adrian Johnson
You should have all three.
Owen Ramirez
You can buy it online. It's just going to cost 2x as much as it was last year.
Jason Roberts
For home defense I recommend a 12 gauge pump shotgun. >looks scary >difficult for little kids to figure out and use so they can’t accidentally shoot themselves >just have to point and pull the trigger and you’ll probably hit them >most of all the only sound that scares an intruder more than an alarm is the sound of a shotgun shell being pumped into the chamber
But it goes through walls like it's nothing. Easy to hit someone in another room or even through the house in some cases for non-brick buildings.
Jonathan Ramirez
Not for home defense. Shotguns are only good for hunting fowl and handguns are for carrying.
Jace Lee
Just move
Grayson Scott
This, for home defense. With a shotgun it would be simpler to blast Nogs/Antifa coming up to your house. Shells wipeout the area your pointing to rather than having to aim/possibly missing your target on first shot.
William Ramirez
At the end of the day they will just burn you out if they have to.
Noah Long
the goverment is a corperation your rights are limited because of the 2nd constitution and all those laws limiting your human rights. maybe kikes did it maybe demons and fake kikes did it really bad people desu
Joshua Long
Overpenetration is a meme. If you want your bullet to have enough energy to kill a man, it must have enough energy to go through a few sheets of drywall
Joshua Nguyen
The best home defense gun is the gun you're actually competent at shooting with.
Anthony Gomez
His bed self defense video is the best thing I've ever seen
Joshua Ortiz
Look for gun stores in your area. Many of them have classes for beginners.