Pol BTFO: Even the Flips and Pakis do better than you do, white boys

When is pol going to admit they are inferior to Filipinos and Pakistanis??

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why are you givin me your sensational bullshit, go appeal to some bums you fucking loser

How did all of those groups get so much white privilege?

Where would Israel be?

>this in a supposedly White Supremacist society
someone is BTFO, but it ain't Zig Forums

notice how everyone in the top half has small DICKS. wonder why they are motivated to make lots of money.

This is household income. Non white households tend to have more working people living in them thus inflating their income. A better measure would be the per capita income

Jews are #1, but everyone is terrified to mention them and as far as I know, the census does not report on them.

It's actually part of jewish religion to 'not be counted'. Sneaky devils.

Filipino in the US here
Whites, especially white boys, really don't want to hear it but Asians, especially Chinese, Indians, and Filipinos generally
>work harder
>study more
>apply themselves to higher-paying jobs
>pursue higher education at higher rates that whites
>"immigrant mentality" aka succeed at all costs

>small dick
>ur women are whores
>"Go back"-I'm leaving within the next 5 years after I make money

It's disappointing to see such a proud race become subverted and kiked. Best of luck to my whiteboys, stay away from the opiates.

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>muh dikk
Seethe more Canuck. You're basically a nigger if you say that. Fucking faggot thinking about other men's dicks