When is pol going to admit they are inferior to Filipinos and Pakistanis??
Pol BTFO: Even the Flips and Pakis do better than you do, white boys
why are you givin me your sensational bullshit, go appeal to some bums you fucking loser
How did all of those groups get so much white privilege?
Where would Israel be?
>this in a supposedly White Supremacist society
someone is BTFO, but it ain't Zig Forums
notice how everyone in the top half has small DICKS. wonder why they are motivated to make lots of money.
This is household income. Non white households tend to have more working people living in them thus inflating their income. A better measure would be the per capita income
Jews are #1, but everyone is terrified to mention them and as far as I know, the census does not report on them.
It's actually part of jewish religion to 'not be counted'. Sneaky devils.
Filipino in the US here
Whites, especially white boys, really don't want to hear it but Asians, especially Chinese, Indians, and Filipinos generally
>work harder
>study more
>apply themselves to higher-paying jobs
>pursue higher education at higher rates that whites
>"immigrant mentality" aka succeed at all costs
>small dick
>ur women are whores
>"Go back"-I'm leaving within the next 5 years after I make money
It's disappointing to see such a proud race become subverted and kiked. Best of luck to my whiteboys, stay away from the opiates.
>muh dikk
Seethe more Canuck. You're basically a nigger if you say that. Fucking faggot thinking about other men's dicks
Only the top 1% make it out of India/Philippines/China. The rest stay home.
says the invader copying and pasting everything white people did. you will always be in our shadows.
migration bias, only the qualified are migrating. this is basically just showing off usa brain-draining all those third world nations.
How do you explain the Philippines being such a shithole?
Only the rich and industrious ones come, the rest stay in the Philippines.
>Philippines as a shithole
Low land development, agrarian society, high population, limited foreign investment, natural disasters
Like the Poos don't have a dozen people living in the same house to cover all the shifts at the gas station...
no corruption?
now compare them with white people living in urban areas like them, i dare you
This right here, been saying it to people forever that we take the best from these countries then wonder why they stay shitholes, well ya anyone with the brains too change things got out because we let them instead of helping them make there countries better.
also making their kids work in the shop like slaves
How does it feel to have Chinese millionaires parking money and owning land in YOUR country? Having to speak Spanish to communicate? Kikes pushing degeneracy on you? Interracial relationships? Do you feel alienated yet?
Fight back white man before it's too late. This is coming from a benevolent invader but an invader nonetheless.
ya, I tell this to all the leftist women in my family and they just give me that fluoride stare and don't respond.
cope more faggot leaf
that too
I live in rural california away from all of that shit. how does this not affect you, too?
Why should this upset me? The poorer white people become the easier it'll be to whip them into a frenzy.
>I'm leaving within the next 5 years after I make money
Any money you make will lose its value before you can leave.
none of those things are true, what is true however is that
1. that chart measures household income, not personal and immigrants are more likely to be in a multi-income houshold
2. you immigrants all live in cities where you may make more money but cost of living is higher, 100k in an expensive city is like living on 30k out in the rural areas.
3.Look at net worth or savings instead and even white college dropouts compete with asian graduates, because whites are just inherently more disciplined and less impulsive.
It doesn't affect me because I'm not white. But I empathize with the white dudes, they feel marginalized, understandably.
Dealing with smelly poos and beaners is a small inconvenience for the economic opportunities in the US desu. Why do you think all the Mexicans work mininum wage jobs here and send money home?
now take the benefits and 15 brothers and cousins living together out of the equation and
Ya same but in faggot leaf land 90% of the men give you the same look
so the nation deteriorating before your eyes doesn't affect you? that is some strange cope
>Multi-generational households
>High COL area
>Immigrants live in the city
Not true, Asians don't live in the city. The minorities in the cities are blacks and hispanics
>whites are just inherently more disciplined and less impulsive
We're talking about Indians, Filipinos, and Chinese, the biggest nerds on the planet
Did you hear about the executive order freezing all assets owned by anyone associated with the CCP? It's written so broadly that basically anyone who does business with a Chinese company can lose their assets. You dont realize how fast everything is going to change now that the commies are going full retard.