Why are the Irish so passive about going extinct?
In 20 or so years, they'll be a minority in their own country. That's faster than most European countries that are terminally pozzed.
Is this inevitable?
Why are the Irish so passive about going extinct?
In 20 or so years, they'll be a minority in their own country. That's faster than most European countries that are terminally pozzed.
Is this inevitable?
Something something white racism
shut the fuck up, ireland is so much better than us its unbelievable
They bought into the Anglo lie that national identity is more important than racial. Basically they cucked themselves along with the rest of Britain.
>Why are the Irish so passive about going extinct?
they're a race of natural slaves. first to nords, then to anglo-germans. they can't rule themselves.
>shut the fuck up, ireland is so much better than us its unbelievable
they're barreling so fast in to clown world even lefties are alarmed unherd.com
>They bought into the Anglo lie that national identity is more important than racial. Basically they cucked themselves along with the rest of Britain.
this is not and never has been an "anglo" thing and the people who want you to think it is aren't your friends
The difference is that America always had niggers. They've imported their enrichment in a fraction of the time in disproportionate quantities. They've been flooded by African knuckle-dragging beasts and goat fuckers in just a few short years.
Don't ever count the Irish out.
Ask the English.
You retards need to stop living in 1990. Did you know Canada is less White than the United States? It's true. We're all in this together, and Americans looking up to Euroserfs is almost as cringe as them blaming America for everything bad that ever happened to them.
because the big nose tribe hates redheads, the ultimate representation of whiteness
Canada is about 70% white, you're less than 50% when you stop the hispanic count