Why are the Irish so passive about going extinct?
In 20 or so years, they'll be a minority in their own country. That's faster than most European countries that are terminally pozzed.
Is this inevitable?
Why are the Irish so passive about going extinct?
In 20 or so years, they'll be a minority in their own country. That's faster than most European countries that are terminally pozzed.
Is this inevitable?
Something something white racism
shut the fuck up, ireland is so much better than us its unbelievable
They bought into the Anglo lie that national identity is more important than racial. Basically they cucked themselves along with the rest of Britain.
>Why are the Irish so passive about going extinct?
they're a race of natural slaves. first to nords, then to anglo-germans. they can't rule themselves.
>shut the fuck up, ireland is so much better than us its unbelievable
they're barreling so fast in to clown world even lefties are alarmed unherd.com
>They bought into the Anglo lie that national identity is more important than racial. Basically they cucked themselves along with the rest of Britain.
this is not and never has been an "anglo" thing and the people who want you to think it is aren't your friends
The difference is that America always had niggers. They've imported their enrichment in a fraction of the time in disproportionate quantities. They've been flooded by African knuckle-dragging beasts and goat fuckers in just a few short years.
Don't ever count the Irish out.
Ask the English.
You retards need to stop living in 1990. Did you know Canada is less White than the United States? It's true. We're all in this together, and Americans looking up to Euroserfs is almost as cringe as them blaming America for everything bad that ever happened to them.
because the big nose tribe hates redheads, the ultimate representation of whiteness
Canada is about 70% white, you're less than 50% when you stop the hispanic count
Well Ireland has never been fully conquered so......
Hey dumbfuck do you how stupid you sound? There are more whites living in America than any country in the entire world. Pic-related is the most simple google search, and obviously not completely accurate. I'd say we're probably around 160million non-hispanic/arabic white. That's triple Canada's population. We just have a shit ton of minorities. You can read the same numbers on the US Census's website too they will tell you the same numbers. The 52% number is a gigantic meme, and if whites have another boom in this country we will be just fine. Obviously fuck niggers and minorities.
I'm posting some Irish folk music to improve morale
The first one literally translates to "The End of the Tribe"
March of the Celts: youtube.com
A song in a futurist Irish language about "space celts" discovering their new home planet around the star Aldebaran (female autism ftw)
>There are more whites living in America than any country in the entire world
More does not equal %
enjoy your nigger children
>mfw my biggest problem is solving itself 500 years later
Americans aren't white.
>Well Ireland has never been fully conquered so......
Don't worry about it, Ireland's a miserable place. Everybody leaves in the end unless they have land, kids to rear or can't make it anywhere else.
*checks flag & sighs*
Says the Leaf
Hope they wake the fuck up before its too late
but with the world as it is what will happen is anyones fucking guess.
its always a joy to be reminded that the Irish independence movement was just a trick by Irish elites to get more power. how the ira can just stand by and let this happen shows how subverted and fucked that movement is/was
John Waters correctly identifies the Irish problem as slave mentality of former (and current) occupied people. Thus, we cope by "mimicery" - trying always to be the best in Europe, better than Britain or copying America. I honestly don't know how this pozzed hole can be fixed
Most white women worldwide support it.
A nation of slaves is a nation of people who submit and assimilate instead of waging an 800 year guerrilla warfare campaign. That's what it was - even in the relatively peaceful eighteenth-century the agrarian warfare gangs had an explicitly nationalist ideology. Ireland doesn't have a great deal to be proud of in terms of concrete achievements but that's the cost of fighting a millennium-long war against your larger and more-advantaged neighbour I guess.
>A nation of slaves is a nation of people who submit and assimilate instead of waging an 800 year guerrilla warfare campaign. That's what it was - even in the relatively peaceful eighteenth-century the agrarian warfare gangs had an explicitly nationalist ideology. Ireland doesn't have a great deal to be proud of in terms of concrete achievements but that's the cost of fighting a millennium-long war against your larger and more-advantaged neighbour I guess.
you didn't wage an 800 year guerilla warfare campaign though, that's one of the gommie IRA's revolutionary myths. most irish were alright with being a nation in the empire before WW1 when the british really fucked things up with the easter rising and as stated the people who were nationalists were mostly gommies. one of your countrymen agrees with me
i had a sense that irish people took more pride in their culture than the brits did, in fact i thought ireland of all the western nations were the proudest, is it true your country is being basically run by Google ?. It's sad really that island is such a beautiful place and to see it being filled with shitskins it makes me feel melancholic and anger and depressed knowing that we might be next someday. Do you know what is also sad - the demographic change is being purposefully pushed so hard troughout Europe that the younger generation will never know how it was living in an ethnically homogenous community or country of indigineous europeans, they will accept diversity as a trivial thing since past history and culture itself is also being rewritten.
>is it true your country is being basically run by Google ?
read the article linked in
That is just demonstrable shite, and I am a Northern Irish protestant. We have been fighting the Irish natives basically since arrival, our towns were fortified walled settlements still visible to this day e.g. Londonderry and hardly a generation passed (or if you were lucky, two) without significant bloodletting in the latest uprising or suppressed revolution. Similar across the island. The idea that Ireland was peaceful and happy with its lot in the 17th and 18th centuries is just laughable.
>The idea that Ireland was peaceful and happy with its lot in the 17th and 18th centuries is just laughable.
hence why i said before WW1 and the easter rising. you'll notice irish nationalism died down once Britain established itself as the unquestioned european and world power, wonder why that was?
I think most people are proud of their history and culture here, but the mimicery is stronger. We think we need to best in the class and most welcoming etc. Its a strange mix, but will be the death of us
From the twelfth to sixteenth century Ireland was in a constant war between Norman and Gael. The second half of the sixteenth century was full of brutal conquest and resistance. The seventeenth century had three catastrophic wars, two of which were unbelievably destructive and brutal. The eighteen century continued the long war under cover, and ended with a major rebellion. Ireland was a British garrison with an overwhelming troop presence in the nineteenth century but there were nonetheless three rebellions and low-level agrarian guerrilla war; The reason there weren't more in that century is because all the national effort was being put into constitutional nationalism on the pattern of O'Connell's repeal movement. Even when we more or less had Home Rule on the table (by late nineteenth century the British were not really oppressing us, merely treating us contemptuously, though the British settlers in Ireland were hostile to us) in the twentieth century we still decided to say fuck it and continue the tradition of war. We chose on principle to get with a sword what we could at that stage by the ballot. The Provos set out to complete the reconquest in the north. It's a continuous line from the Tories and Rapparess to the Provos.
>Remembers your Republican 5ft ex-gf who threw bricks and picked fights in Unionist Council estates round Derry.
Odd time of my life there, however she fell in love with an English man.
You said most Irish were happy before WW1. It's total nonsense. There has hardly been a generation without significant violence going back centuries and as pointed out even when it wasn't full scale uprising (which it often was) violence and hardline nationalist politics was endemic, most of it ethnic against British settlers, landlords and politicians. Irish nationalism has been ongoing for centuries it has never died out, and remains as virulent and violent as ever in northern parts of the island. Partition just allowed the Irish to park that older tradition in NI and move on, first to state Catholicism and now globalism. What you see in NI and the violence here is a direct and living descendant of what was endemic across the island for centuries.
They had every chance to get out of the EU and or vote in politicians that would protect Ireland. Every Irishman I’ve ever met here in the US or in Europe has been a California tier leftist. So, they did it to themselves.