Lemon and Cuomo laugh at cognitive decline test, mock Trump, and then fail test on love television.
How is this not everywhere?
>tfw CNN is now owned by trump and they are just up there now to look like utter fools and an embarrassment
feels fucking good man
>they should take you to a zoo
I never knew Cuomo was so based.
>fail test
They didn't take the test, retard.
"We gotta take you to the zoo! "
whoah ease up there Cuomo
Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.
American tv is so fucking awful. All your sporting events are constant advertisements, and your tv personalities like these scumbags are so fucking false. Look at that puppet doll of a human on the right fake laughter with his huge plastic grin. I see this every time one of you posts a clip from your telly, and I honestly don't know how you can stand it. Then again I haven't
>bought a tv license
since I moved out so fuck only knows the state of telly here as well, it might be worse.