Lemon and Cuomo laugh at cognitive decline test, mock Trump, and then fail test on love television.
How is this not everywhere?
>tfw CNN is now owned by trump and they are just up there now to look like utter fools and an embarrassment
feels fucking good man
>they should take you to a zoo
I never knew Cuomo was so based.
>fail test
They didn't take the test, retard.
"We gotta take you to the zoo! "
whoah ease up there Cuomo
Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.
American tv is so fucking awful. All your sporting events are constant advertisements, and your tv personalities like these scumbags are so fucking false. Look at that puppet doll of a human on the right fake laughter with his huge plastic grin. I see this every time one of you posts a clip from your telly, and I honestly don't know how you can stand it. Then again I haven't
>bought a tv license
since I moved out so fuck only knows the state of telly here as well, it might be worse.
Yeah our tv sucks but at least its nowhere near the degeneracy paid for with tax money on your big BBC. All tv sucks dude, its tv
Wasn’t someone talking about this test a few days ago?
Does mr president post here?
And yet they still fucked it up
And yet you're still backing the retard up
Lmao you can’t make this shit up. Stupid nigger
Of the 1% of the test they took, they answered 100% incorrectly.
Seethe faggot.
it is everywhere, you mustve went in too deep in commie infiltration
Tests is RAAYCIST!
Hey the dr who reboot isn’t much to brag about either
>Britain produces drama like Puerto Rico produces shortstops
>the test they displayed on TeeVee
two shmucks vying for air time. what a forced bromance vibe they give off
I still have no fucking clue what angle they're going for talking about these cognitive tests. Trump said he aced it, that's it. He never said it's proof he's a genius just that he got it all right. The point is Biden hasn't announced his results. Why aren't they talking about that?
They want to make it into a joke so no one cares that Biden can't ace it.
"we gotta take you to the zoo"
Because it's just constant shit smearing of Trump, same as 2015. These guys will literally cling to anything they can if it makes Trump look bad to somebody. If the story is later proven to be nonsense or outright false, they just move on. Of course many are true, but the pollution of the media means that we can't trust them even when they're right.
Its funny cuz he’s a nigger
>seething cnn shills actually lurk here
never gets old when you get asshurt enough to post