What's one thing you could just never bring yourself to agree with Zig Forums on??
What's one thing you could just never bring yourself to agree with Zig Forums on??
Being gay.
All the "jew jew jew" crap...gets very tiresome. Hell, let's say they are right even, and jews are all powerful and crap. Well, then it seem to me a pretty good idea to ally with them. (Trump does this, and I agree with him)
Hmmm interesting concept
That Conservative Inc. (Carlson, Shapiro, Watson, Hannity, Limbaugh) actually care about white middle class Americans, and aren't just actors in it for the shekels.
well nu/pol/ i hardly agree with anything on because it's literally infested by sub 90 IQ retards, mostly (((Americans))) that came here from reddit
Trump allied with jews because he just can't fight everyone at the same time. I'm really curious to sse what he will do if he can manage to get elected for a second term
They want you dead. Their relation with others are master-slave not allies. They're not the only problem with politics though.
>seem to me a pretty good idea to ally with them
ally with the Synagogue of Satan is not a good idea Moshee
What spirit/alcohol is in that photo?