What's one thing you could just never bring yourself to agree with Zig Forums on??

What's one thing you could just never bring yourself to agree with Zig Forums on??

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Being gay.

All the "jew jew jew" crap...gets very tiresome. Hell, let's say they are right even, and jews are all powerful and crap. Well, then it seem to me a pretty good idea to ally with them. (Trump does this, and I agree with him)

Hmmm interesting concept

That Conservative Inc. (Carlson, Shapiro, Watson, Hannity, Limbaugh) actually care about white middle class Americans, and aren't just actors in it for the shekels.

well nu/pol/ i hardly agree with anything on because it's literally infested by sub 90 IQ retards, mostly (((Americans))) that came here from reddit

Trump allied with jews because he just can't fight everyone at the same time. I'm really curious to sse what he will do if he can manage to get elected for a second term

They want you dead. Their relation with others are master-slave not allies. They're not the only problem with politics though.

>seem to me a pretty good idea to ally with them
ally with the Synagogue of Satan is not a good idea Moshee

What spirit/alcohol is in that photo?

Being gay for traps and liking nonwhite girls.

A lot of Zig Forums are literally autistic when it comes to women .. Just because you don't know how to talk to them and you're ugly doesn't mean they can't be clever and funny

What a cute headscarf. Love it.

You said Jew 3 times. Your
Silver has been stolen by beatlejew

white wine?

being a moralfag

Dont feed them. They are doing divide and conquer research.

mohammad got it right 1300 years ago when he fucked aisha six ways from sunday at age 9

Islam is actually based and Tarrant is misguided fool.

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I hate America as much as the next guy but I refuse to have a dog fucking, copy pasta posting, Trudeau voting fag talk down about it.

That its the "Jews" rather than something a little more complicated and nuanced.

When they constantly bring up satan/satanism to explain devious shit the elites allegedly do.
Pedophilia? Could it be that some men are sexually attracted to children and when they get powerful enough they can indulge in their fantasies. NOPE it's gotta be satanic ritual for immortality. And the planet Saturn is a conscious entity that makes them do with it. Satan is Saturn didn't you know? You can tell by the two words sounding vaguely similar.

This, these stupid niggers literally give them information so they can engineer their threads to create senseless and time wasting discussions between people that do and do not hold these opinions that are common on Zig Forums

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You literally just outed yourself as a clueless retard. Do not post on Zig Forums anymore.

Tucker Carlson and finals Trump are our only (possible) allies
It's also possible that Jordan Peterson knows more than he lets on

My personal pet peeve about Zig Forums is the "Everything is what THEY want you to do so we should do nothing at all"
>Opposition Research
What it really is is Zig Forums being to afraid to do shit, so they convince themselves and others that every course of action they lack the balls to take is somehow a super secret plan to take them down. It's essentially self-neutering.

>The Trumptard will always trust the plan, no matter how much Trump shows hes a good goy trying to sell out his own citizens.

dancing Israelis

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Christcuckery, the recent spike in spic worship, and the more extreme anti-gay rhetoric. I also can't stand the over-the-top /x/ conspiracy theories like the Avengers predicting corona and nonsense like that.

Eat shit Leaf. You are an American, just colder and your milk comes in bags

There's ice in it, you fucking retard.

Palendrone, but i cant say i disagree. Any faith which says every other utterence should be of god is doing SOMTHING right.

May God be with us all!

your country is as degenerate as mine nigger, stop coping. our culture is downstream from your jewish bullshit

All the tough talk about how they will kill niggers and jews while watching their countries burn to the ground. Put up or shut up

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I can't agree with the portion here that honestly think all blacks are bad. Yes most are, but I think that if shit was run correctly there would still be niggers, there will always be niggers, but it would be so small it didn't matter. Right now niggers matter, but we can't get rid of all blacks, so let's just make it so niggers don't matter enough to be a problem.
How to do this is get rid of teachers union's and increase school choice so the competition yields better education . If we fix education it should solve the nigger problem and also help white kids to get real education instead of kike indoctrination.

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Trump is jewish bruh

muh jesus muh allah
who the fuck cares?
do you really think there is something after this miserable life?

The hatred for Jews. I don't like hearing it or speaking, is just stupid. But hating commies and fags i love it.

Just rewatched total recall last night also so I'm assuming the towel she is wearing is wet.

Averna Amaro Siciliano

> It's also possible that Jordan Peterson knows more than he lets on
Like Solzhenitsyn’s other book.

Cartoons and feminine penises

Christfaggotry and incel shit.


gay furry porn being bad

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china paying jews to bribe our elites to send manufacturing overseas for 30 years.
Still over simplified but much more accurate imo senpai


Most of the conspiracies here just reek of desperation for psuedointelligence. And Italians are white, or at least aren’t nonwhite.

fuck off sאndnigger

you have never been to italy

or that mindset is spread by glowies so we have decision paralysis

Immigration. As a Libertarian I cannot get on board with Zig Forums nat socialism. The free market works in all markets, including the immigration market.

That being said we need to cut off any and all gibs for immigrants. We want the best and brightest, so moving here should be as difficult as possible to weed out the free loaders.

I love black women

That Russians are white.

I know right?

Made for BBC

Amaro Averna

You're acting like a glow nigger. We are winning. Why the fuck would we do anything to jeprodize that.

I used to think that too. That all the jew shit was retarded and ridiculous
Then I started to see what everyone was talking about. Stick around a while and you'll see too. You'll be posting about the kikes eventually too. Its inevitable

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That atheism is bad.

The tall one in the background, with the blue label is Galliano sambuca...


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Its literally just the "NWO" united by a quasi-Satanic, occult system of beliefs. The only sort of Judaism that has anything to do with that, is Sabbatean Frankists. A fair amount of Jews are sympathetic to Frankism, but only the ones with money and power matter. Most Jewish footsoldiers (journalists and liberals) are useful idiots that have no idea the scope of what they're fucking around with, and most orthodox Jews are actually pretty nice and moral.

There are also a lot of non-Jews integrated into the NWO power structure, and Zig Forums acts like this is purely on the level of a racial conflict.