How is transgenderism not part of the transhuman issue but instead part of the "LGBT" (actually public and broadcast sex, western degeneracy and decline) issue?
Try and use real logic, please do not resort to religious dogma because I'm pretty sure my faith is more true than yours.
Bump so the anti-trans lizards see this and come flame.
Jack Edwards
Okay lizard-jew. Care to elaborate?
Mason Hill
Get ready for this dude to say the word 'Gaslit' about 40 times if anyone bothers to respond to him.
Lincoln Clark
Check my based trips, though.
But for real how is not "gender' included as part of transhumanist bodily autonomy?
How can you idolize steroid-users but negregate HRT-users?
What if someone physically functions better as a female? Does this not then fall under the purview of, "bodily enhancement"?
Daniel Murphy
>Naah, don't care enough If you don't know already how different counselors and psychs are grooming kids and their braindamaged parents towards mutilation and joining the 40%, then you don't belong here. You gotta go back to plebbit
Don’t let transgender ideology infect transhumanism. Transhumanism is the way forward, transgenders get the psych ward.
Carson Foster
So you won't let us in on your master plan then, Jew-lizard?
Wyatt Mitchell
transgenderism is cargo-cult transhumanism we can't upload minds into computers, or even make good bionic replacements for amputees a primitive tribe can't build working aeroplanes or radio telescopes but we can mangle genitals and inject hormones, and they can make aeroplane-shaped huts out of palm leaves and we both convince ourselves that it's "almost as good" or "a step in the right direction" it isn't