How is transgenderism not part of the transhuman issue but instead part of the "LGBT" (actually public and broadcast sex, western degeneracy and decline) issue?
Try and use real logic, please do not resort to religious dogma because I'm pretty sure my faith is more true than yours.
Bump so the anti-trans lizards see this and come flame.
Jack Edwards
Okay lizard-jew. Care to elaborate?
Mason Hill
Get ready for this dude to say the word 'Gaslit' about 40 times if anyone bothers to respond to him.
Lincoln Clark
Check my based trips, though.
But for real how is not "gender' included as part of transhumanist bodily autonomy?
How can you idolize steroid-users but negregate HRT-users?
What if someone physically functions better as a female? Does this not then fall under the purview of, "bodily enhancement"?
Daniel Murphy
>Naah, don't care enough If you don't know already how different counselors and psychs are grooming kids and their braindamaged parents towards mutilation and joining the 40%, then you don't belong here. You gotta go back to plebbit
Don’t let transgender ideology infect transhumanism. Transhumanism is the way forward, transgenders get the psych ward.
Carson Foster
So you won't let us in on your master plan then, Jew-lizard?
Wyatt Mitchell
transgenderism is cargo-cult transhumanism we can't upload minds into computers, or even make good bionic replacements for amputees a primitive tribe can't build working aeroplanes or radio telescopes but we can mangle genitals and inject hormones, and they can make aeroplane-shaped huts out of palm leaves and we both convince ourselves that it's "almost as good" or "a step in the right direction" it isn't
Parker Hughes
Or is that your entire master plan? Brainwash children into cutting their dicks off to take the freedoms away from adults to choose their own gender? Just keep us goyim as breeding stock? "We can't have too many of them sterile goyim girls running around, need to make sure they kill themselves when we're done with them"?
>we can't upload minds into computers, I doubt we'll ever have to unless we want AI with human-like architecture running off an emulated brain or something.
>or even make good bionic replacements for amputees We have good replacements for forearms and lower legs, and full arm and full leg prosthetics are more advanced than ever, have a video:
>but we can mangle genitals and inject hormones, In your opinion, but you probably come on Zig Forums to gaslight yourself into a Jew-controlled universe of western decline and minority-perpetrated cuckoldry.
I guess you had to pop out of your flat to renew your trolling loicense?
Christian Morales
>transgenderism not part of the transhuman issue the term "transhumanism" itself implies you go beyond your humanity, leaving things as gender behind TL:DR trannies are simply just mentally ill faggots
Trannies are very old tech. With the advent of animal husbandry, farmers realized the benefits of castration--improving the quality of meat, for example. Castrated humans were then quickly adopted into fertility cults. Maybe that sounds ironic, but it was by no means an isolated thing. The Syrians, Phrygians, Anatolians, Babylonians, Greeks, Scythians... and so on. The Romans weren't keen on the slice and dice, but they loved the goddess, and imported crossdressing eunuchs.
>leaving things as gender behind So if gender's not an issue for transhumans why is it an issue?
>Trannies are very old tech. VAMPIRE DETECTED.
>With the advent of animal husbandry, farmers realized the benefits of castration--improving the quality of meat, for example. Castrated humans were then quickly adopted into fertility cults. Maybe that sounds ironic, but it was by no means an isolated thing. The Syrians, Phrygians, Anatolians, Babylonians, Greeks, Scythians... and so on. The Romans weren't keen on the slice and dice, but they loved the goddess, and imported crossdressing eunuchs. Okay and then that's some interesting yet outdated religious dogma that literally everyone already fucking knew.
So from what I'm understanding from your 2M-old Earth view of "eunuchs" is that they're no longer useful farm equipment, and need more R&D to be used as breeding stock in your weird xenos human-farms?
no idea, until i can become full on tech priest, i will have issue with anything that calls itself "transhuman" or something, also stop this shitty thread please
>Hungarian Look, Sasha Vykos is only listening to you 95.6% of the time, dude. You don't have to front so hard for them.
The only way to get there is to take the first steps.
Ayden Jackson
They were never meant to serve a practical purpose. Although some were "sacred" prostitutes. The idea is that the eunuch is a representation of the dying god, the male counterpart to the goddess. It represents the transition from Winter to Spring. Think of Osiris, whose penis is cut off. He is then resurrected.
Luke Rivera
So it has even less to do with modern transgender treatment therapies than you originally implied. Though that is a form of religious transhumanism you describe, so still topical.
Nathaniel Edwards
Well... some of us follow the old ways.
Noah Peterson
I don't have a reaction pic that would sufficiently convey exactly how degenerate that reference implies you to be. Fuck you for making me that one up. Kill yourself. Please and thank you.