Briton frens, why won't you came to Spain? We poor send tourists please

Briton frens, why won't you came to Spain? We poor send tourists please.

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You'll have to learn to grow more than oranges and olives, Juan. No more gibs for you, signor.

poor spain gonna burn again, imagine living in those purple areas. Here is 33.6 now.

Your police is harassing us constantly. And niggers are harassing us on the beaches. And i don't want to begin with the annoying gypsies..

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I'm coming back home soon bros.
I want my bloodline to remain Iberian.

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hahahaha my sides
nice pic user
spain picked the best time to start their gomunism

sorry we are full, just send money

You are going to need me if you want to right the course of España.
Una, grande y libre!

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Hey asshole, we are more poor I cannot even english send money here !

you will getting no deal and no tourists jose. feel free ask the eu to send you more doctors and engineers so that you can fill your own beaches in the future and don't forget to put on your mask as soon as you step into the heat.

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