Briton frens, why won't you came to Spain? We poor send tourists please

Briton frens, why won't you came to Spain? We poor send tourists please.

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You'll have to learn to grow more than oranges and olives, Juan. No more gibs for you, signor.

poor spain gonna burn again, imagine living in those purple areas. Here is 33.6 now.

Your police is harassing us constantly. And niggers are harassing us on the beaches. And i don't want to begin with the annoying gypsies..

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I'm coming back home soon bros.
I want my bloodline to remain Iberian.

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hahahaha my sides
nice pic user
spain picked the best time to start their gomunism

sorry we are full, just send money

You are going to need me if you want to right the course of España.
Una, grande y libre!

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Hey asshole, we are more poor I cannot even english send money here !

you will getting no deal and no tourists jose. feel free ask the eu to send you more doctors and engineers so that you can fill your own beaches in the future and don't forget to put on your mask as soon as you step into the heat.

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>I want my bloodline to remain Iberian.

kek españa es ya un país multicultural, encontrar una española pura te será dificil y en el futuro será imposible, más vale que te des prisa WEEEEEY xD

Brits deserve all the harassment, they're just basically white niggers in Spain, always drunk and destroying public property

40 here, i feel spanish, we need some mistral asap

España no será multiracial después de la guerra de carreras.
La segunda reconquista está por comenzar.

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I think we send a lot of people over already,
Though there mostly just coffin-doging boomers I would assume

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>guerra de carreras
based spic

Ojalá compadre.

Croatia is better. No rapefuges here.

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brits have been propping up the eu and the southern european tourism market for ages, 2020 just inadvertently exposing it. all the retard remainer shills who thought eu would make it harder to travel are eating shit as usual

No, because when we come home we're placed under house arrest. Sorry, Manuel, we're staying home this year.

Cry about it, we're still not sending you shekels

>guerra de carreras


Speaking of shekels, how much of these you gib to sustain the gibraltar kike community?


>no norf or souf bongs in spain this year

Go short on any Spanish companies involved in the alcohol industry. That's 90% of their revenue wiped out.

oi m8, you got a license for literally coming back to your own country?

Not sure if we do.

Gilbralta is just a bunch of retired boomers burning through their kids inheritance money.

Ecuatorian jungle savage, go back to the jungle where you belong. It's a win-win, you will be in your land and your miserable existance here ende, we win tío won't explain why, it's obvious


Mi padre y madre son Españoles y tengo ciudadanía Española, visito mi patria cada año y me considero más Español que mexicano. Pronto volveré.

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Extremadamente basado.

It's also the biggest kike diaspora on the entire Iberian peninsula involved in lot of illegal shit like tobacco smuggling and using the legal status of gibraltar as shield from spanish authorities

It's not a Manuel, it's a "Manuel". Hell you /Pol wake the fuck Up, we spanish don't want shitty tourists. It's a fucking migrant who hated his life here, hate on us and in Spain, and envy on us,just because he dosen't fit with us. Is impossible

>we spanish don't want shitty tourists
>the country has an economy based on tourism

Saludos y suerte, good luck here. Say he has spanish parents, for anyone wondering

he probably on free gibs

All of our mini colonies are designed to be havens for government-backed organised crime, that's nothing new.

ok, but don't forget to invade the whole Andalusia next time

fernando simon told me to stay away

Only a little %of spanish earns real money on tourism. The rest, it's just shitty jobs taken in the last years by you migrants, who earn and demand less than us. Go back to Ecuador

T. Born in a touristic city, Valencia. We don't need that kind of tourists, it benefits no one, sour savage

Thanks bro. My brother is already there, I had a job lined up, a plane ticket and an apartment in Madrid for June but the Chinese virus fucked my plans, hopefully I can go back soon.

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Bother if we fix that crime for u, m8?

>fernando simon

Kek. This is Zimbabwe 3.0 (SA being 2.0)

>stoopid brits go away you ruin our country and culture
>brits leave
>poverty sets in
>bleas gome back :DDD

>Brits = white niggers
What... I thought those were Italians...

Tenerife maybe but they don’t like you and want to leave lol

Portugal is nicer too but personally I prefer the south of france. Haven’t been abroad in a decade though as Cornwall and Devon are nicer, thanks global warming :)

Spain seems cool, like it has the climate of the Western USA which I love. Fuck going to yurop though.

There's not enough sunscreen in the would for a poor Anglo like me in that sweat box right now. Good luck Spain bros, I'm sure tourism will pick up again.

italians arent white

we are fucked because the corona, not beacue the british tourists.

Poverty sets in? Retarded. You are more Zimbabwe than us, your nation, racially speaking. You have more blacks .
Whole Big áreas on Spain dosen't rely on tourism. Do you think we need cheap tourists? Retarded Hans

What’s the deal with Ecuador? Are there tons of ecuatorians living in Spain or something?
t. Never been nor know too much about Spain other than some bands.
Qt larp

Subhuman. I run daily for 1 hour at 35°c
>inb4 sandnigger, just a proper southern European

Nope, this are just the british tourists, the rest behave well normally.

That's why i know OP hates Spain so it's a savage living here.

Well well well. I thought you didn't like us getting drunk and smashing your hotels up, now you're begging us to smash your coastal towns to pieces and urinate in the street? Very interesting turn of events.

>Are there tons of ecuatorians living in Spain or something?

Mi pana, onions de madrid y esto parece latinoamerica, la mitad de mis compañeros de clase son latinos.

300,000 is about equivalent to the annual net migration in to the UK.
300,000 people over 30 years is nothing.


Yes, there are. Too many. As they don't get along with us, they develop a hate/envy on us

Does it snow in Northern Spain and Portugal? I hate the heat.

It's not at all surprising that the amount the average bong on holiday spends on drink is an order of magnitude higher than the costs to clean up the vomit and repair the damage.

Shut the fuck up we don't want disgusting anglos here, next civil war we will take advantage of the chaos and kill every anglo we see on the beaches

Don't come here white nigger. Rest of europeans are wellcome

there is a lot of them, but also we don't differentiate you of Bolivians or Peruvians so we call you all Machu Pichus.

the fucking holes lmao

Like many of you I was a passionate Trump supporter years ago. Wore the MAGA hat like I was hot shit around places full of progressives to "trigger the libs," posted praise kek mes on Zig Forums every single day, shared youtube videos from Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux and Richard Spencer. The whole 9 yards. Looking back it was all very cringe and probably driven by deeply buried sexism against the white women who rejected me, thankfully I no longer even praise "based black trump supporters" and am now married with a child on the way to the aryan woman from the wheat fields we all dream about.

Then Trump backstabbed me by filling up his cabinet with kikes.
Then Trump backstabbed me by being worse on immigration than Obama (absolutely 0 wall, spics coming in in larger numbers than ever before).
Then Trump backstabbed me on guns by taking away my bump stocks.
Then Trump backstabbed me on foreign policy by attacking Syria Israel and planning war with Iran.

I thought we were going to maybe even get 50% of an American version of Adolf Hitler, but I was hoodwinked. Trump is worse in every single way than Obama was because he is just as bad if not more liberal and he also KEEPS WHITES COMPLACENT

Let's give the MIGAtards and cringe boomer allies some payback. PLEASE VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN.


Once whites see that the GOP goes the way of the wigs, then we will ACCELERATE once the new administration goes full on anti-white, and we can actually get a real fuhrer (maybe Tucker Carlsen?)

2016: owning da libz
2020: owning the migapedes

>INB4 Kushner's shills bumrush me for being an independent white thinker who cares about his race rather than a MIGApede neocon from /r/The_Donald ready for war with Iran and ready to let a based black man have sex with my wife

Yep in winter. And in middle/north

>Qt larp
Lo que tu digas panchito.

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Muy salty.

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Sudacas fuera, por favor.

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Tourists in Barcelona = Prostitutes

Only poor alcoholic dumb brits go to spain on holiday/live there so im sorry. We arent all bad