Oregon governor says feds to leave Portland, but feds say they're staying


>Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said Wednesday that the federal government had agreed to withdraw its law enforcement officers from Portland, where violent protests have persisted for weeks — but the Department of Homeland Security indicated it would keep its officers on the ground for the time being.

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said his department "will continue to maintain our current, augmented federal law enforcement personnel in Portland until we are assured that the Hatfield Federal Courthouse and other federal properties will no longer be attacked and that the seat of justice in Portland will remain secure."

>"The Department will continue to re-evaluate our security posture in Portland, and should circumstances on the ground significantly improve due to the influx of state and local law enforcement, we anticipate the ability to change our force posture," Wolf added.

Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary, Devin O'Malley, responded to Brown's original tweet, saying the vice president had told her that "federal law enforcement will remain in Portland until violence directed toward them & the federal courthouse is brought to an end by state & local authorities. @VP was very clear that law & order must be restored in PDX," O'Malley said (twitter.com/VPPressSec/status/1288528892316262403).

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Oregon governor says feds to leave Portland, but feds say they're staying

This is fascism, plain and simple.

>Oregon governor says feds to leave Portland, but feds say they're staying

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>Oregon governor lies, feds correct her

Are lefties gonna start supporting the confederates now that they want the feds gone too? Both the dixielanders and the portlanders want to keep their pet niggers under their thumb, are they ever gonna realize this?

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Oregon is lying obviously.
Agreed. Antifa in black clothing hiding their identity and assaulting people who don't agree with them is fascism. Full stop.

I know the Constitution isn't hard to read, and you only love hard things, but try it.

This is democratic weights and counter weights at play.

I don't care.
They spend more on facism, than infrastructure and social assistance.
So many homeless, starving, medically denied.

It follows the typical pattern where a libshit passes off a headline claiming what they want to be true, then the libshits celebrate, only for it to be found out to be untrue later. They basically attempt to ramp up the pressure against their foes by grabbing the headlines and effectively commanding what they want to happen.

They did this, for example, when it was national news that Richard Spencer's mom had disowned him, and was selling all of her properties and giving the money to a jewish charity. Only, none of that happened. The jewish press ran the story based upon the words of a jewish real-estate agent in the same city as Spencer's mom, who drew up real-estate sale documents and shoved them in front of his mom demanding she sign them as though it was a foregone conclusion she would. Spencer's mom refused. It was obvious racketeering. The media never retracted their stories, however.

>States right to harbor leftist criminals and political terrorists, that's what!
I can already see the arguments they use being turned upside down right this instant

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Its funny because it shows the priority of this dumb cunt perfectly. The feds and city government have a long meeting discussing how to restore order and safety to the city, and the cunts only message for the people is “Yay i got what i wanted!”
No message of responsibility, of letting people know they came to an agreement, just “Yay! I win!”
Totally juvenile and delusional lol

I hate Kate Brown so fucking much. She pretty much is in some nig coalition that promotes BLM protests. Fuck her and her plastic bag kikery.

Doesnt even admit to the concessions she herself made in negotiations lmfao

Fuck yeah. Rollin for more cracked commie skulls.

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Why has it taken so long for him to authorize deadly force?

I know, fucking Democrats thinking they can just take over.

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Hell of a name

>chad wolf
imagine being named that and NOT being far-right

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So fucking based. I take back everything I ever said about DHS.

Barr pretty much BTFOd their whole narrative at his testimony the other day. He made it pretty clear there are riots and acts of domestic terrorism. Really fucking hoping he was hinting that aiding and abetting these riots or actions will result in indictments for politicians who back them or become accomplices to them.

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Why is the federal government just allowed to throw states’ rights out the window and beat the fuck out of citizens lmao it’s like a movie script

what would happen if antifa had a masturbation brigade, where the front line would attempt to ejaculate onto officers? what would this force be called? is it feasible? would that be rape?

maybe i should ask /k/

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When it's an insurrection against the government, which this technically is. It's been law for 200 years.

I'm still hung up on this guys name. Like Zig Forums did a 'trips decide' and Chad Wolf appears.

Not allowing a federal courthouse to be burned to the ground is fascism

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>just let us burn down a federal court house or else you hate state rights lmao

Ft. Sumpter being shelled was also about state rights I guess.

antifags are chemically castrated limpdicks. they couldn't ejaculate if their lives depended on it

man, these are hilarious just because they're all too pussified to even fight back
none of them have guns? none of them brought a knife or a gun or anything to fight back against police they knew would be there? why? because they're children who want to fuck around as long as possible but when it comes to actually getting punished they'll just run away
they don't believe in what they're doing; they have no desire to escalate the situation, they're just retarded college students and failed adults playing revolutionary

Oregon only has like 20 blacks to begin with. It’s why they love blacks so much. Their only knowledge of them comes from movies and music.

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there is nothing in the constitution that says it's unlawful to arrest criminals that throw firebombs at federal buildings.

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Lol classic Jew blockbusting tactics.

>the Chad wolf bites retarded nigger
someone pass him the phone

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Because the state has consistently refused to control their population and they're now going after federal-owned buildings. Fuck all government, but as far as being "within their right" they definitely are since the states are refusing to step up and quell the rioters.

>the initial brutal surprise tackles
Fuck that must've felt so good

All the "protesters" have to do is leave the fed building alone and they can do whatever they want. STOP HITTING YOURSELF LEFTY!

they did this so that there is a big turnout.
>oh the courthouse will be unguarded! time to burn it down
Oregon gov. and Portland mayor are getting a little seditious in my opinion.

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What about the states right to be attacked God this is such facial you sound like a fucking faggot dude

Can she be arrested for not only failing to do her job, but aiding and abetting enemies of the state?

Arson and vandalism aren’t protected under the first amendment. This is civilization 101 dude what are you a brown person?