Oregon governor says feds to leave Portland, but feds say they're staying

>chad wolf
imagine being named that and NOT being far-right

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So fucking based. I take back everything I ever said about DHS.

Barr pretty much BTFOd their whole narrative at his testimony the other day. He made it pretty clear there are riots and acts of domestic terrorism. Really fucking hoping he was hinting that aiding and abetting these riots or actions will result in indictments for politicians who back them or become accomplices to them.

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Why is the federal government just allowed to throw states’ rights out the window and beat the fuck out of citizens lmao it’s like a movie script

what would happen if antifa had a masturbation brigade, where the front line would attempt to ejaculate onto officers? what would this force be called? is it feasible? would that be rape?

maybe i should ask /k/

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When it's an insurrection against the government, which this technically is. It's been law for 200 years.

I'm still hung up on this guys name. Like Zig Forums did a 'trips decide' and Chad Wolf appears.

Not allowing a federal courthouse to be burned to the ground is fascism

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>just let us burn down a federal court house or else you hate state rights lmao

Ft. Sumpter being shelled was also about state rights I guess.