Hey Zig Forums unironically not a shitpost for once...

Hey Zig Forums unironically not a shitpost for once. I'm a mid level manager at pic related and just got the word that we're rolling out a new mandate for all employees. Staff must now download an app on their personal phone and allow it to track your GPS data, image gallery and modify your phones settings to allow it to track your off-site travel and on-site whereabouts and phone use. The claim is that it will keep people that have traveled to other states from coming in and will scan your images for company images and will automatically file a report against you if any is found. This is a mandatory install and is punishable by termination if you refuse. This model was apparently adopted from our chinese sister locations and will be mandatory in all facilities. our irish and polish locations were mentioned specifically, I assume due to us working alongside them so you guys aren't safe either. Our plant manager here in Raynham MA confirmed it will check if you've left the state and will automatically kick you off payroll and disable your security badge for 2 weeks to keep you from working. This mandate will overwhelmingly effect the workers who run our production line and the remaining on-site R&D staff. Managers like myself will be unaffected due to working from home as will most of the engineering departments and financial sectors. The most solid advice I can give employees is to simply claim you don't have a phone. Management has bounced around the idea of purchasing trac phones for employees, however this will fall apart if large numbers request them. I would highly advise against trying to force a union as pic related is more likely to sell your plant than allow it to unionize (See what Happened in New Bedford, MA for proof). I'm expecting legal trouble in the coming months for the company and wish you all the best. Good luck frens.

- Some dude in a suit in MA

Attached: download.png (300x168, 3.49K)

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Can we have some sort of proof so we don't waste a thread on a LARP?

What’s wrong user?
Scared the entire bottom force of the companies just gonna quit on you

Burn it down, or you're the problem.

Stop willingly being ass fucked, retard.

Do they plan on maybe paying got a work cell instead?

Here's a shitty pic of my badge. News was given over Skype so I can't show an email or anything if that's what you were looking for

Attached: MVIMG_20200917_155129-min.jpg (2160x3840, 1.36M)

Yeah pretty much kek, our prototype shop is shitting itself but news has yet to reach the production floor. I expect mass walkoffs however I can't be sure

>Doesn't have a designated work phone with minimum service requirements.
Its like you want them to be able to track you or something.

Most people don't put alot of thought into it user, especially not regular factory workers these guys are gonna get screwed and I feel pretty bad having to tell my team about it