Hey Zig Forums unironically not a shitpost for once. I'm a mid level manager at pic related and just got the word that we're rolling out a new mandate for all employees. Staff must now download an app on their personal phone and allow it to track your GPS data, image gallery and modify your phones settings to allow it to track your off-site travel and on-site whereabouts and phone use. The claim is that it will keep people that have traveled to other states from coming in and will scan your images for company images and will automatically file a report against you if any is found. This is a mandatory install and is punishable by termination if you refuse. This model was apparently adopted from our chinese sister locations and will be mandatory in all facilities. our irish and polish locations were mentioned specifically, I assume due to us working alongside them so you guys aren't safe either. Our plant manager here in Raynham MA confirmed it will check if you've left the state and will automatically kick you off payroll and disable your security badge for 2 weeks to keep you from working. This mandate will overwhelmingly effect the workers who run our production line and the remaining on-site R&D staff. Managers like myself will be unaffected due to working from home as will most of the engineering departments and financial sectors. The most solid advice I can give employees is to simply claim you don't have a phone. Management has bounced around the idea of purchasing trac phones for employees, however this will fall apart if large numbers request them. I would highly advise against trying to force a union as pic related is more likely to sell your plant than allow it to unionize (See what Happened in New Bedford, MA for proof). I'm expecting legal trouble in the coming months for the company and wish you all the best. Good luck frens.
Yeah pretty much kek, our prototype shop is shitting itself but news has yet to reach the production floor. I expect mass walkoffs however I can't be sure
Benjamin Fisher
>2020 >Doesn't have a designated work phone with minimum service requirements. Its like you want them to be able to track you or something.
Juan Hall
Most people don't put alot of thought into it user, especially not regular factory workers these guys are gonna get screwed and I feel pretty bad having to tell my team about it
Cooper Sullivan
I know so many people who work there bro so many.
Joseph Roberts
Warn em, they probably won't believe you but just tell em to lay low until the storm hits
John Carter
If this isn't a bullshit LARP, then distance yourself from the company so you don't take the heat for any part of it, and sue the ever-living shit out of them, because this is blatantly illegal. You can't fire/refuse to pay employees for traveling. Contact senators or whoever the fuck you can asap.
Corporate policy states that if you travel you must self quarantine for 2 weeks using your own vacation time. It's on their website I'll try and find the link if you give me time
Levi Garcia
I would refuse, then collect unemployment because I wasn't fired for a legitimate reason. It'd probably just be cheaper to buy them all corporate niggerphones. I'm sure they could get a wholesale deal like $40/handset $20/mo 10gigs data per employee ezpz.
Brody Turner
What's the big problem here again?
Wyatt Sanders
Weird, I work for a big company and they just rolled out a "BYOD" bring your device to work program to integrate personal devices with company software and networks
Luis Ross
Get a cheap pay as you go phone, install app, show your boss, leave the phone at home and never use it again
Colton Sanders
This is the idea however they really don't like to spend money and buying a whole campus phones is more than they'd like
Daniel Cook
App is required to access the facility but yeah just don't travel with it other than to and from work
Colton Nguyen
It's possible you might be on the same program. I'd prep pants to be shit in
Wyatt Scott
Hey fren R&D manager in the CPG world too (Mars Inc). I hate my job and can't wait to leave soon.
Bentley Cruz
just get a secondary line and write it off as a business expense at the end of the year
Brandon Gray
I don't know how much legal recourse there is, I know my employer reserves the right to confiscate our phones
Tyler Anderson
I believe it. They've gone all-in on everything this year; an action like this is perfectly in line with what we've seen so far.
>write it off as a business expense at the end of the year t. doesnt know how taxes work that doesnt make it free dummy
Jackson Murphy
Ireland pharma user here. Tell me more.
Cameron Thomas
I mean it sounds like a pretty stupid idea. Trivial to work around buy getting a burner phone, and you turn your whole workforce against you for being controlling assholes. Why would any sane company do that.
Henry White
Get a burner phone and put it up your butt
Kevin Brown
shitskin advising on US tax allowances
Hunter Rodriguez
J&J competitor here. We're moving in a similar direction. Will likely be rolled out Q1 next year.
There's really nothing else to tell, the shit rolls out at bridgewater and raynham soon. Cork and warsaw were the two plants mentioned by name so use that how you will
Wyatt Johnson
It's probably to antagonize the senior employees so they quit and lose their retirement benefits. I really can't see any other reason why though it seems very short-sighted. Possible high level manager position opening soon assuming it didn't come from gorsky
Parker Bailey
So they plan on installing a tracking app on the phones of people in the Cork plant. For what purpose though? People are allowed to travel freely around the entire country here.
Camden Scott
>huge corporation >sane Choose one and only one.
Nathaniel Jackson
Great question that I don't have the answer to I'm afraid. Like I said it was adopted from china where thats probably the norm. I'd just hang low and keep your resume up jic
Aaron Bennett
Do a strike or quit, that is an unacceptable violation of your dignity.
In China they use an all encompassing covid app. It gets scanned everywhere you go to decide if you are let in or not. Basically if you fail a temperature check somewhere you are marked to isolate and your app won't let you into businesses, transport, etc. Not sure how that would work here if it is only for that one plant.
Nicholas Ortiz
What kind of pics are they looking for on people's phones?
Spicy memes? I don't get it
James Cruz
You should force the company to buy you a company phone. Get enough people on your side and you can have some sway in this. Otherwise, everyone is just going to go out and buy cheap burner phones and claim that is their phone.
Adam Long
That has to be illegal there is no way they can force you to install an app on your own personal phone unless they provide you with a work phone they pay for they can not force this. Pray they fire people for refusing because those people will be filthy fucking rich when they sue J&J for wrongful dismissal, plus J&J is about to have their shit pushed in by all the talc lawsiuts and class actions currently working their way through the court systems in the USA and also in Canada.
T. Lawyer fag
Thomas Ramirez
Who knew that the shift to working from home would also quickly usher in the corporate surveillance state?
Jason Phillips
Just leave your phone at home lmao.
Jordan Morris
Stuff like this is only enforceable when an overwhelming majority of employees obey and follow it. If 99% of employees tell them to fuck off, they will not do anything except have an excuse to fire those people should they ever need one.
Austin Johnson
Blueprints for parts, floor layouts, prototypes, cad models, private emails and other such things
Evan Ramirez
i have an old iphone 5 i keep the company software on. i did see somewhere that the guy who is pushing for total digital surveillence is using salesforce which my manufacturer just adopted.
Henry Jackson
Everyone in big pharma should be exterminated for raping the US with price gouging making it impossible to afford meds all so other countries can have massive discounts. Eat shit and die. Hope you have a car accident tonight and burn alive.
Camden Fisher
This is protocol for company owned phones; not privately owned phones.
Juan Nelson
Have there been incidents of people taking such pictures and leaking/sharing them?
Are they coming at this from a 'CCP active measures' angle?
Daniel Price
>quarantine healthy people with no simpsons The absolute state of this country.
Grayson Anderson
My team just makes special surgical tools man, don't blame me for how they price that shit
Caleb Morgan
People with simpsons absolution need to be quarantined.
Dominic Gray
just get a separate phone dummy. keep the work phone at home durrrr...
Adrian Rodriguez
Ooma phones will forward calls. and This is a thing:
You can leave the phone in a box at home and forward everything to your real cell you carry and which johnson and johnson doesn't know about. Deduct any costs/hassle from what you calculate johnson and johnson pays you. because fuck no way,
Nathan Johnson
Yeah this shit is fake and gay, Apple does the same thing when they send you a imac to work on, they have a bunch of spyware on it so they can make sure you're working.
Jacob Cooper
This. Call their bluff.
Jaxson Cooper
Kill whoever is responsible in Minecraft.
Robert Lee
>taff must now download an app on their personal phone and you don't have employees that do not have a portable phone as part of their lifestyle?
Michael Thomas
Stop doxing yourself
Jace Green
Both, engineers got caught taking pictures of prints and they tend to be precautionary
Carter Howard
Leave the phone they have provided you at work.
Aaron Johnson
So then just get a work phone and don’t do jack shit with it. Leave it in your car even.
There's 8 departments in R&D they'd have to fire us all
Jace Jackson
>App is required to access the facility this is how 30K stock brokers died on wall street during hurricane Sandy, security doors locked and power went out building flooded up to 10th floor and everyone drowned