Seems very lonely
What is it like to be an ethnic/racial minority?
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must be nice to have every large corporation, media outlet and politician pander to your every need/want/desire
i'm a white guy in a mexican area.
it's alright.
Ethnic minorities can destroy the world.
Knowing that my people control the media and run the country is pretty nice.
It is. We're the true incels.
I'm a white dude in CA - I'm not a fan.
You know what's annoying? I can't get food I like. Everyone always says OH DIVERSITY IS GREAT THE FOOD.
The food sucks man. I can't get any white person food. It's nothing but chink shit and poo curry garbage.
Don't even look black at all. Live in an 85% white area and nobody can tell. Blonde hair blue eyes and 6'4. Feelsgoodman