What is it like to be an ethnic/racial minority?

Seems very lonely

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must be nice to have every large corporation, media outlet and politician pander to your every need/want/desire

i'm a white guy in a mexican area.

it's alright.

Ethnic minorities can destroy the world.

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Knowing that my people control the media and run the country is pretty nice.

It is. We're the true incels.

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I'm a white dude in CA - I'm not a fan.
You know what's annoying? I can't get food I like. Everyone always says OH DIVERSITY IS GREAT THE FOOD.
The food sucks man. I can't get any white person food. It's nothing but chink shit and poo curry garbage.

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Don't even look black at all. Live in an 85% white area and nobody can tell. Blonde hair blue eyes and 6'4. Feelsgoodman

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