Seems very lonely
What is it like to be an ethnic/racial minority?
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must be nice to have every large corporation, media outlet and politician pander to your every need/want/desire
i'm a white guy in a mexican area.
it's alright.
Ethnic minorities can destroy the world.
Knowing that my people control the media and run the country is pretty nice.
It is. We're the true incels.
I'm a white dude in CA - I'm not a fan.
You know what's annoying? I can't get food I like. Everyone always says OH DIVERSITY IS GREAT THE FOOD.
The food sucks man. I can't get any white person food. It's nothing but chink shit and poo curry garbage.
Don't even look black at all. Live in an 85% white area and nobody can tell. Blonde hair blue eyes and 6'4. Feelsgoodman
Be glad you're a white dude.
Us Pajeets are at the rock bottom of the sexual totem pole. I likely won't touch a vagina in my life that's not my mother's during birth.
I'll tell you what it feels like to be a minority withing minorities. I'm a first generation Salvadorean descent born in America.
I don't fit in with whites they see me as a wet back. I don't fit in with Salvadoreans they see me as stupid yankee. I don't fit in with blacks they see me as a dirty Mexican. Nor do I fit in with Mexicans they see me as a Salvadorean gagnster. Feels bad honestly. That's probably why I come to this site because the Anons here are my only frens.
Uncle Joe will pander endlessly for your vote so there's that
What about your big ugly lips and ugly nose and the curly hair ?
It sucks but I dont blame anyone. It isn't reeecism. It's just a shitty existence, unless you're Tyrone or chadhommed.
Try being an Asian or poo male. Asian males catch all the same bullshit white fags do, and only one of the benefits (better avg income).
Aren't the big tech cities full of poos? Try there. I've never seen a white man dating a poo
If you’re white you’re already a global ethnic minority.
Ken your women are being stolen by literal fat white guys.
Don't have any of those 3. What about your slanted eyes and short stature Chang?
I feel you poobro. Imagine being asian and poo mixed. You cannot roll a worse combo in this fucking life.
Hispanics are Aryan though
Im not a Chang im a gook yeah I'm short but i don't have ape in my blood unlike you.
still whiter than you Juan
The white men that marry Pajeetas are all skinnyfat betas just like us, but with a longer penis.
Diversity is bullshit
At least I can see, gook
Feels bad man
she should go hiking in Morocco or Tunisia
ohh i can see your a mutt creature
She would enjoy it.
sure thing Jose
how much zoom did you have to use to see my DNA test results? hopefully your glasses work pretty good too
Pretty great. I have white whores on their knees ready to get the pipe
It's been fun my friend. But i must go and eat some dog stew.
I hate being born in to a Islamic faith, I hate being a paki, I've never personally been accepted by the white community or the South Asian community, I hate my own race and I hate not being accepted by anyone, no one understands how I feel
Try growing up gay, that shit is isolating as fuck.
even the expressions on their severed heads look naive and self-righteous.
i grew up as a white guy in a majority hispanic area. i got the shit beat out of me. and it was never just a "one on one" fight either. it was a fucking free for all.
I guess they got the diversity the craved in the end.
its the worst that's why we need to bring more into your country's.
You should go back to India
I don't like it at all, most of the policies that BLM fights for in the US makes me feel degraded and humiliated.
Everyone knows. They're just too polite to tell you.
I know a lot of browns and changs like you; just move to a culture thats completely foreign to both of your worlds. So since you're raised in white culture in a brown family, you can move to East-Asia or something where being brown or western is foreign across the board.
Being totally foreign will often times means you are treated better than being either/or.
(Eurasian guy here, so I can relate).
>probably why I come to this site because the Anons here are my only frens.
Ironically this, even though I know no one I always find comfort coming to this site
Go back to Pakistan ZOG cattle nobody wants you in Europe
I saw a black lady last week and still can't shake it off.
both at the same time 4 me
mostly verbal in my case, im tall and a little overweight (for peru, 5'11.5" and whatever 90kg is)
trips of good advice
Surprisingly enough when I hint at what race/gender I am no one on this site believes me, but it's still more comforting here than elsewhere.
Based Spain bro he will be forced to leave when he time comes one way or another.
To be honest I wouldn't even know where to begin, I would have no means to support myself, there would be a language barrier, I have no skills in trade or finance that would help me get a income, too many obstacles, I would just be a burden
I'm a Jew only by Reformist Judaism's rules. Not particularly lonely despite I only run into fellow Jews once in a blue moon at my university because I mostly identify as white. Only thing is that when someone goes on about the Jews and Jewish conspiracies and go full GTKRWN 1488 it hits a little weird because I haven't met a Jew who wasn't just a fellow dude trying to make their way in the world.
I would rather die then go to that shit hole, seems no way out other than killing myself, I already plan to when my parents pass, I'm too much of a pussy to do it while they are still alive
>What is it like to be pampered by the media and academia and be held to much lower standards in general?
So hard. A bloo bloo.
It's not your fault you're a low tier jew. Did your parents teach you about money at least?