Both Illegal and Legal "Hispanics" or "Latinos" (Beaners) and their offspring...have replaced Whites in America more than 30 percentage points in just 4 short decades. Have decimated entire State budgets. Wrecked education. Wrecked healthcare. Wrecked social cohesion. They could give zero fucks if every last White person were gone from America. They will call you their "Friend" while they laugh about the fact that you go extinct. They will pretend they're with you in "tradition" and "work". They will claim they are like you. That they want the same things as you. But they're all laughing inside, because they know the truth.
Remember that when you read threads about White/Hispanic "alliance". You've been duped, and you should realize it.
If you don't align with Mexicans then the Jews, East and South Asians are going to fuck you over.
Mexicans/Whites are going to become middle class while Asians are going to be the elites along with Jews and Old timey Anglo protestants
Isaac Allen
If spics are so great then why is every spic country a third world hell hole? Surely if they were so superior there wouldn't be a reason to flee their lands
Yall don't understand that we live in a global economy since the 80s.
It's not about countries anymore, but regions.
Isaac Price
All good, Latinos have been the only ones with the balls to stand up to black shit; their food is delicious, and there women are way better the white whores.
>Yes, if you don't destroy yourself by surrendering to the Mestizos, the Jews and Asians will surely get you.
We have no friends and we're on our own. THAT is the reality of the situation. The sooner you idiots realize this and start closing ranks with fellow whites rather than trying to gain favor with shitskins, the better off you will be.