Just a reminder

Both Illegal and Legal "Hispanics" or "Latinos" (Beaners) and their offspring...have replaced Whites in America more than 30 percentage points in just 4 short decades. Have decimated entire State budgets. Wrecked education. Wrecked healthcare. Wrecked social cohesion. They could give zero fucks if every last White person were gone from America. They will call you their "Friend" while they laugh about the fact that you go extinct. They will pretend they're with you in "tradition" and "work". They will claim they are like you. That they want the same things as you. But they're all laughing inside, because they know the truth.

Remember that when you read threads about White/Hispanic "alliance". You've been duped, and you should realize it.

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I don’t know man
t. Beaner in between the border


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Jeez relax man.

If you don't align with Mexicans then the Jews, East and South Asians are going to fuck you over.

Mexicans/Whites are going to become middle class while Asians are going to be the elites along with Jews and Old timey Anglo protestants

If spics are so great then why is every spic country a third world hell hole? Surely if they were so superior there wouldn't be a reason to flee their lands

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relax gringo im legal

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Yall don't understand that we live in a global economy since the 80s.

It's not about countries anymore, but regions.

All good, Latinos have been the only ones with the balls to stand up to black shit; their food is delicious, and there women are way better the white whores.

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>Reddit spacing
>Didn't answer the question

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>Yes, if you don't destroy yourself by surrendering to the Mestizos, the Jews and Asians will surely get you.

We have no friends and we're on our own. THAT is the reality of the situation. The sooner you idiots realize this and start closing ranks with fellow whites rather than trying to gain favor with shitskins, the better off you will be.

Reagan gave amnesty....in the 80s.

Y'all are children

Give me redpills on him.

Whites don't give a shit about anything outside of their microcosm of "suburbia." As long as little Zoe and Caleb are doing well in school, they're making lots of money, and are still "popular" at their Church and or social clubs... they couldn't care less.

Or we could just kill all the spics and take all of North America for ourselves. We might as well try if our only other option is slavery to chinks and kikes.

You can EASILY spot Beaner posters here if you know what to look for; their habits, grammar, spelling, and the subjects they REEEE about.

Here's a few keywords and phrases:

1. "Hard working"
2. "Traditional"
3. "I'm White and worked with Beaners and they were really funny and cool"
4. "But what about Niggers??"
5. "I think Hispanics are White desu"
6. "They're not as bad as those Blacks though!"
7. "Latinas were made for BWC"
8. "Niggers though, remember them, hey here's a meme of a Black dude...ha ha hjahahaha based"

Got above from another thread.
Also, bump

US foreign policy invites labor and causes instability in other nations.

Yalls don't understand how the US is on top of the world with finite resources

You could be a beaner for all we know

Yeah he's totally a beaner for outing the rest of you greasefucks. Leave the blatant lies to the Jews, you've got not talent for it.

If I was a beaner, why would I post that? Think moar.

Hey spics, if you guys are so based and great then why is every spic country fleeing to the US?

I'm a beaner from Sinaloa

Because now a days beaners larp as whites hating on beaners.

mad as fuck haha
sorry white boi

Don’t ask me man, I don’t speak for every beaner

I'm guess you're about 15, or just an emotionally immature 20 something adult. They actually ARE hard working and have traditional values (meaning, they are typically conservative when it comes to family, crime, etc). But, you... being a teenager who's been pampered his whole 15 years of life wouldn't know any better.

Spread it if you can. More need to know the signs. I'd estimate a good 40-50% of American flag posters here are spics. Also, another good way to tell if a poster is a spic is if they get mad at the Amerimutt meme.

I just explained it.
US needs to be on top so it fucks it's neighbors, then invites cheap labor.

Nobody is feeling, that's the BS media narrative.

Good luck with that. Many mestizos are aligned with regular white middle class whites that served in the military and love 2a.


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Like I said, you could be a beaner larping as a white, but you’re doing a good job dropping red pills, so I don’t care.

I went to carnival several times like that. Except, I also did black-face.

My point proven. Go to bed Caleb... You've got e-school tomorrow.

we run this bitch senpai,
mexican beaners taking over
there is no stopping
le "drinking white tears meme*

>Invites cheap labor
>Your mom came here illegally
Pick one spic

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On a serious note, youre full of shit. They arent traditional at all (I'm talking about the ones who immigrate to America). They consistently vote democrat, just so they can get looser borders to let the rest of their parasitic kin in. Not as parasitic as niggers are, but are still parasites, and still need to fuck off back to Mexico.

I think 90% are spics. there's too much love here for a population that only cleans toilets