Sargon Of Mossad

Why is he such a fat fucking loser and a complete joke, he is a traitor!
Also he can't like the classical-Liberals/Libertarians beat Dissident Right and Third Position people?

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He harasses some anita chick at conventions, its creepy

I still like Sargon.

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He's way too extremist. Literally believes Trump is doing a good job and that immigrants have to "assimilate"

>Listen, *inhales* I mean if your that fuuucking stuuuuupid, that's on you I'm afraid. Hahahahaha. *inhales* I mean come on, are you even bloody trying at this point, you fucking iiidiot.

>Anyway I, oh guys I just want to say guys, I apologise for the audio in the last video, I'm not sure what was going on there.

>*inhales* Anyway I will be frotting with Paaaaul Joesph Watson on livestream tonight *inhales* so I'll let you....Tyrone stop that...sorry folks, my wifes black son is sooooo fucking anyoning right now. *inhales*. Anyway...

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should've stuck to fake chuckles on feminist bashing videos on youtube forever. guys a complete joke nowadays.

Spencer's insult was probably the single funniest moment I've witnessed live in my life. Holy fuck it was brutal. Absolutely deconstructed and thrown aside. Spencer is a moron but he did one good thing in his life and that was destroying this fat loser

hes so fucking ugly inside and out. As a woman I would not fuck him -10/10 He doesn't even identify as white and tells others not to so can someone go r.i.p him in Minecraft please xoxo

Spencer couldn't even do that, Sargon is opening an office and starting a business where as Spencer cant even get a job flipping burgers.

>Zig Forums

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Spencer belongs to a elite WASP family worth hundreds of millions. He is not living uncomfortably lmao