Why is he such a fat fucking loser and a complete joke, he is a traitor!
Also he can't like the classical-Liberals/Libertarians beat Dissident Right and Third Position people?
Sargon Of Mossad
Other urls found in this thread:
He harasses some anita chick at conventions, its creepy
I still like Sargon.
He's way too extremist. Literally believes Trump is doing a good job and that immigrants have to "assimilate"
>Listen, *inhales* I mean if your that fuuucking stuuuuupid, that's on you I'm afraid. Hahahahaha. *inhales* I mean come on, are you even bloody trying at this point, you fucking iiidiot.
>Anyway I, oh guys I just want to say guys, I apologise for the audio in the last video, I'm not sure what was going on there.
>*inhales* Anyway I will be frotting with Paaaaul Joesph Watson on livestream tonight *inhales* so I'll let you....Tyrone stop that...sorry folks, my wifes black son is sooooo fucking anyoning right now. *inhales*. Anyway...
should've stuck to fake chuckles on feminist bashing videos on youtube forever. guys a complete joke nowadays.
Spencer's insult was probably the single funniest moment I've witnessed live in my life. Holy fuck it was brutal. Absolutely deconstructed and thrown aside. Spencer is a moron but he did one good thing in his life and that was destroying this fat loser
hes so fucking ugly inside and out. As a woman I would not fuck him -10/10 He doesn't even identify as white and tells others not to so can someone go r.i.p him in Minecraft please xoxo
Spencer couldn't even do that, Sargon is opening an office and starting a business where as Spencer cant even get a job flipping burgers.
>Zig Forums
Spencer belongs to a elite WASP family worth hundreds of millions. He is not living uncomfortably lmao
That was years ago, schlomo. Fuck off.
Sargon has become irrelevant, or rather even more irrelevant, how can he cling to his ideals in world where all rationality has been replaced with evil and like many atheists he's blind to the evil, he can never admit to himself that it exists. At leas us "extremists" can see clearly what the has become
I didn't even know that this fag was still around
Why are you such a retard?
As long as he goes after leftist commies like the hairless cunt shoe, he can stay.
I expect he'll fail. His ego is way too big for his intelligence.
Who knows though.
Got relegated to bitchute
I still watch his content just to get the lowdown on the midwit position on things, he's kinda like a fireman who stands in front of a burning house and says
"The ground floor is on fire, the doors and windows are on fire, now the roof is burning................."
I agree, but while Spencer has become way worse
>Medical fascist
>Unironically believes MMT
Unbelievably, Sargon is the one doing better now. Not a redemption arc, more like a cockroach surviving a nuke.
Maybe it's cause you Brits aren't in the middle of an election? I see Sargon as an ally right now. I'll probably go back to hating him after the election an he does something monumentally retarded.
>E-celeb faggotry
Kill yourself
He has gotten worse lately too. All he cares about is irrelevant shit.
I don't hate him but he's kind of a curiosity, nothing he says matters, the illusion of civilised men discussing how to proceed toward a just world is fairly obviously over in the light of current events, his lofty ideals are going to do nothing to hinder our descent into tyranny
I do not underestimate the importance of the US election at all, for all of us it's imperative that zion Don wins
>sargon is a faggot
Do I really need to point out how assblasted you fags are over this guy that it's pathetic?
Fuck off Tim, you bald hapa faggot.
What did spencer say?
>the illusion of civilised men
Man you nailed him on that. Everything about Sargoy is phony. He LARPs as an intellectual but he just listens to audiobooks while feeding his dinosaurs on ARC.
Sadly I'm not sure Spencer's solution is any better than Sargon's, although Spencer has done far more real intellectual work.
He told Sargon "You're not as smart as you think you are". Which all but the furry degenerates who follow him (and Veeh) agree with.
I can't do it justice, it was a beautiful moment.
Long debate, Sargon was embarrassing himself with contradictions and double-think over his individualist shit he was trying to push. He was then deliberately obtuse and dishonest for ages over "what is a white person" or something like that, mostly because he was being spanked and got upset.
Watch like 00:40 to 01:05 or so.
Here's his version of fascism for ya. Fed printing as much money as possible and giving it to his buddies, and you alms.
Yeah everytime there is something massive he talks about some inconsequential bullshit.
He's phoning it in or he is compd
He's just another Satanist.
Sargon was a Babylonian king in akkad.
He should have just called himself baal of caanan or Moloch of babylon and quit being such a faggot.
>Sargoy of Mossad
His grandfather was also FULLY BLACK. No questions.
What's his surname?
If it's Scottish...he's a free-mason
If it's an object...he's a jew.
Anything else then he's just another kabbalist.
All are just as bad as each other.
I like him. He worked his way up from wage cucking and actually does shit instead of bitching like some impotent faggot on image message boards.
He named himself after a Babylonian king. He's not up to good. He's up to NO good.
that nigga lost me when he started to down play the droning of Soleimani
because Trump mutts are bankrolling his life
>he was a bad guy you guys
what a weak kek
fucking joke