How is this such a hard concept for Zig Forums to understand?
Yes you can spout whatever racist shit you want on the streets in public, the government wont arrest you. But that doesnt mean you can control what others think of you. That means your friends could leave you for being a vile racist, and your employer is free to fire you for saying something disgusting like the n word.
Everything has consequences, and part of being an adult is learning to take responsibility for your actions. Your "rights to free speech" or "muh 1A" are no way being violated here.
Why dont y'all refuse to understand something so simple? Why do you pretend to play the victim of "censorship"?
>you are free to rob the store >you just have to suffer the consequences question: are you free?
Kayden Rogers
Kill the government of Sweden. Enslave the Swedish people. Don't allow evil to exist. Don't allow jews, Arabs and niggers to exist outside of Africa and the middle east. Fluoride toothpaste is for fags
Yes, you made a very valid point OP. Even as a Nazi myself, I find it hypocritical for us to be acting as the "defenders of free speech" when we want to take it away from normal folks.
Christopher Myers
shut up nigger
Matthew Martinez
What are the consequences for openly supporting the genital mutilation of children when that big ole pendulum swings back around?
Ok then we can fire people who post support for abortion.
Bentley Lewis
Make congress afraid again
Juan Perez
>why hard concept for Zig Forums to understand autism, lots of autism
Aaron Robinson
Christopher King
Ad hom is not an argument
Jaxon James
If only all nazis where this honest :^}
John Hughes
Yes, it is true. Our criticism is that an oligarchy of unelected, politically-biased billionaires control the public square. They stifle the ability of individuals to express their beliefs without genuine, real-life, ubiquitous, and prohibitive consequences. This is an example of private entities becoming more powerful and stifling than any government could imagine being.
So, in a country which upholds free expression, the government doesn't need to provide a platform or encourage speech, but they must not allow a small collection of private interests to determine what can and cannot be said in public.
Also, as a side note, let's apply the logic to other "freedoms"... >freedom of association does not mean freedom from consequences of your associations >freedom of conscience does not mean freedom from consequences of your thoughts >protections against discrimination based on race doesn't mean freedom from consequences from being a certain race ...see what I'm getting at? If you see to completely alienate the purpose of a law from its practical, real-world consequences, you will have a collection of meaningless parchment barriers.
Aiden Nguyen
Forget about IDs, Pierre?
Thomas Robinson
No one is stopping employers to fire people who are pro-choice, yes. Its just that there arent many employers who hold pro-life views in the first place because dictating what women should and should not do with their bodies is a form of fascism.
Nicholas Smith
Yet they want to be shielded from the consequences of suppressing free speech under thebguisebofnfrre speech
Angel Sullivan
I agree. Kill all who preach about homosexuality.
Kayden Perry
>you are free to rob the store Thats against the law, false comparison.
Carter Wilson
>Thats against the law Free speech is not against the law. The only consequences to come from this is mob justice.
Xavier Hill
Disagreeing with me has the consequence of getting killed but you have free speech. See how retarded that sounds?
Lucas Ramirez
Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. Glad you stupid frogs finally learned your lesson, inshallah.
>Free speech is not against the law I know, I mentioned that already. Comparing free speech and burglary is disingenuous. No one is killing you, sweetie. Take your meds.
Henry Ortiz
Freespeech exited before the goverment. Its a principle. If you restrict the speech of otgers thst is censorship and a violation of freespeech. The 1a restricts the goverment from restricting your already existant freespeech but not people outside the goverment.
Robert Reyes
By this logic it is okay to discriminate against anyone who says "black lives matter." Randall is a little bitch and 2016 almost broke him.
Samuel Clark
>Comparing free speech and burglary is disingenuous. Blacks get away with it constantly over here
Isaiah Mitchell
there's no freedom of speech. here, for example, people censored their real identities.
>but not people outside the goverment. So you are telling me we need to control and force employers to not fire you for reasons as they please, such as saying the n-word or spouting Nazi rhetoric to genocide Jews?
Thats fascism.
You do know bullies in school gets expelled for verbally abusing other students right? Its the same exact concept. Their right to free speech arent being violated at all when schools do this.
Adrian Stewart
They're just trying really hard to kill us is all.