Have you experience r@cism? And what was it?

Have you experience r@cism? And what was it?

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>be me
>go outside
>day ruined

>be me
>be racist

It was ok

If I had a penny for every time I've been called white boy I could buy a slave.

>And what was it?
It was called "Counter Racism" and I found it in a piss poor Occidental Doctoral thesis posing as pissant propaganda. It was called "The Isis Papers". As far as literary works go it was probably the worst thing I've ever read.
Today the same ass rag is being passed off as "Critical Race Theory". It's the same pathetic shit.
What these wannabe ogres are trying to do is hack the hack and they can't do it. Consistent failure for around 25 years. It's like trying to teach a card trick to a herd of feral pigs.

As a white man, I've never experienced racisms in my life.

I'm olive skin, dark arms, and never experienced it either.

Are there non-whites in here?

>Are there non-whites in here?
Are you kidding? Seriously? You can't be that new.

I'm talking about right now, I know that there are tons of non whites and foreigners that talk when their countries get called out.

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>I know that there are tons of non whites and foreigners that talk when their countries get called out.
Where do you think they learned it from? Sudan? Venezuela? China? Columbia? Ukraine?
No, they learned this hack from the USA.