Have you experience r@cism? And what was it?

I wouldn't call it racism, just general ignorance. I'm Lebanese, but I look white. When I was a kid, I would tell people I'm Arab, not white, and they would either say "Then why do you look like that?" or they would start calling me bin Laden.

Also, I'm Catholic, not Muslim, this was another thing they couldn't understand. People would say shit like "Do you do this or that in your religion" and I would say "We have the same religion. We're both Catholic."

I don't know, I don't even bother to correct people or explain myself anymore. They think I'm white, fine, let them think that.

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I'm lebanese too, have those flabby hairy arms that look indian and people don't know where I'm from. They've told me I look spanish and I tell them that I don't consider myself white.

Basically call out any south American country anywhere on the internet.

"Love from Argentina "

An Aussie called me a wog on the Internet


Ur Phoenician.

Extended family calls me fake spic for not liking shitty sauce

Mexican neighbors would call me white boy or whitey. Once I waited for like 30 minutes for my popeyes order while every nigger that came up after me walked away with food.

Oh, and I live in America which is designed to fuck over white people these days.

I had a Jewish girlfriend. She was so degenerate in the sack. She was a F-R-E-A-K. So much so I wanted to marry that pussy and I then spent 4 months going to Jewish conversion classes. Yes, I know all about the tribe and their rituals. Anyway, after 4 months we go to the rabbi, I show him my conversion certificate (from his synagogue) he looks at her, looks at my mocca brown ass and suggests we give it another 4 months before he approves my conversion. Week later she broke up with me. I was devastated. I cried and begged but she left me and I moved out of her 5 bedroom house in Santa Monica. Looking back I see it was the sex and her house I was in love with and not her and it was a blessing in disguise. I also did not become a member of the Synagogue of Satan which would have sent me to hell.

To cure myself of my depression I moved to San Jose, Costa Rica, and lived in a brothel for 1 month (Casino and Hotel Del Ray) and did nothing but screw Costa Rican whores and eat street food and drink beer and plot my return to the US. I now make $300K a year and have my own schedule and my own real estate portfolio and know the lies of the jew.

Do not give up hope Frens.

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I'm white and I experienced racism from niggers.

Niger head chef had different standards for his fellow niggers then to white.

I have, mainly from mutts and other Westerners, especially when I don't understand their consumerist culture