Aquaponics is based >easiest way to grow food and weed and khat and cocoa >literally putting freshwater fish in at least a 10 gallon aquarium tank, letting fish poop in it, fish poop ammonia becomes nitrites and then nitrates which feeds your plant and gets converted back into the tank as pure clean freshwater >infinitely easier than growing in soil >organic >not very expensive
Any slight smell of the dank will be far overweighed by the smell of pure refined piss and shit Here, for example, its mostly likely a fellow fat idiot realising the depth of his error.
Jaxon Reyes
Guy has a literal tank of thawing fish corpse stew Idiot killed his fish because they froze therefore hydro is dumb >fearing the indoor farmer
Connor Gonzalez
its not just hydro, its another level of complexity the average idiot cant keep on top of, on a commercial scale with people employed at wage to maintain it, it's worthwhile albeit probably more expensive or it would be used everywhere, but for anyone with a life and a job, its just your usual Zig Forums self sufficiency faggotry, unfeasible and idiotic.
Zachary Morris
his fish died retard
Tyler Mitchell
Wouldn't just buying the fertilizer be cheaper? Unless you already own fish for some reason.
Wtf is this demoralization nonsense? Go back pegging your cat, you low effort basedboy.
Josiah Young
it was just one example, of very many, you can sit here being an obtuse faggot, or find out for yourself, nobody on their own time makes this work long term without making a big fucking mess and wasting a lot of money. Its a pipe dream similar to perpetual motion but for prepper idiots.
Luis Morris
This only happens when you do it wrong and shit starts dying.
Charles Fisher
But then you wouldn't have delicious trout to eat
Robert Nelson
What do you mean?
David Smith
Fucking bump I need to make the switch from soil.
have you grown weed before or had a fish tank? Lol.
It would smell like weed.
Nolan Williams
Did you post your own video? Are you trying to solicit advice while trying to dodge nypa posts?
Hudson Scott
I dont give a shit about growing weed but I like the idea of a self cleaning fish tank, does this work with most plants?
Carson Kelly
The Jew must fear that.
Christopher Hall
I've been using chicken shit for my weed. Would it be easier to switch to fish poop?
Zachary Rivera
Looks like we got one of those "liberals" supporting biden & Kamala the crooked cop.
>Bring down the system! #legalize it
>Also vote for establishment biden & the woman who prosuceted people as california state prosucuter for Cannabis & laughed about it
#stunning & brave
Jonathan Green
the idea is to not be buying anything and the fish should have some benefit too, either eating or fertilizing other crops or commercially partnering with somebody who wants sprats raised to full size
Luke Morales
Logan Rivera
The average idiot cannot form congruent arguments or discern relative information from a body of text. It's a baseline assumption that the average idiot cannot do X.
Nicholas Thompson
Ok except I don't want to have an aquarium and take care of fish just so I can grow some mint leaves or whatever
Dylan Nguyen
I've done research on aquaponics it's really not that complicated when you break it down maybe for you it is... Project much?
Let me break this down very simply for you. All plants require 3 main nutrients to grow
>Nitrogen >Phosphorus phosphate >Potassium
You can go more into depth with micro nutrients like calcium magnesium & zinc etc but the 3 listed above are required.
Fish poop particularly gold fish poop produces a lot of nitrates. You introduce an air pump which causes the nitrates in the poop to break down into nitrogen via oxidation.
>You pump the broken down nitrates into your resovior for nutrients.
& The rest as far as maintenaing temps, humidity, pH levels, air circulation is just standered indoor growing maintenance you do every day.
>Not hard just requires work ethic & not being lazy.
Juan Peterson
All you do is feed them and maintain the aquariums ph, literally children do this.
Josiah Morales
The fish benefit in the fact it pumps waste out of there tank, a clean, fish tank, makes happier fish, happier fish mean bigger fish, bigger fish mean more nitrate poop, more nitrate poop means more plant food.
>Also anyone who's grown Cannabis who's used fertilizers knows you flush your plants 2 weeks before harvest or 2 full flushes with straight water this drains out all of the salts & fertilizers in your plants. If you don't flush & just harvest after drying & curing your left with a harsher hitting bud. If you flush it's smoother & not as harsh.
Juan Cooper
No one should do this. You would have to build a special reservoir for the plants to be suspended in, buy tubing and water pumps to run at both ends, buy special lights for the actual weed to grow properly, buy 3-6 more airstones to keep in the plant res, and maintain both the fishtank and plant res for algae or else root rot will take over. Just buy a pot and put some soil in it.
Chase Reed
Leo Martin
Chicken shit is high in nitrogen. Nitrogen promotes green leafy growth. Put that on your lawn. You want the fruit/flower to be as big as possible. Use shit that you’d use for tomatoes. Chicken shit is like 20-0-2. That middle number is what you want on the NPK scale. -diversified horticulture major
Aiden Scott
ITT: no one that's actually tried aquaponic weed. It's a pretty big disappointment. Look into no-till and knf methods if you want based ag practices.
Jonathan Harris
Farmers literally never do this and supply the world with food. Read a book nigger.
Ayden Bennett
Shirt term yes, long term aquaponics will save you a lot of money especially if your growing large scale. Fertilizer gets expensive buying it by the 40lb bags.
Aquaponics is a renewable source of fertilizer, you won't have too keep buying fertilizer & gold fish can live to be a few years old & get quite big.
Andrew Barnes
>self sufficient Oh no no no, we've got to reeeeeeent. Fancy pantsy rich mans hobbies are illegal for commoners.
yes but you must do something with the fish otherwise they will die in the tank and fuck you right up
Asher Phillips
N is the last thing I’d want to flood my pot plants with. Would you put lawn fertilizer on your pot plant? No.
Owen Cook
>Project much? This entire post was the single biggest projection since IMAX was invented.
Adam Barnes
Yes. You can grow lettuce, Onion, garlic, chives, peppers, tomatoes anything. The base nutrients remain the same for all plants. The skills & techniques are transferrable to any non Cannabis plant.
>Vegging stages & budding stages, humidity, & temp might slightly differ depending on what your growing but is generally the same.
Michael Perez
fucks sake are you being deliberately thick or something.
Luke Martinez
It's not the difficulty of the task, its the fact that most people just don't want an aquarium in their house. They take up space, and require maintenance. Its far easier to just grow in soil whether in or outdoors
Jacob Hall
>knows you flush your plants 2 weeks You need to gtfo Rollitup there buddy. I could hand you 6 grams with only one of those coming from a clone that was flushed. You WON'T be able to tell the difference. And yes I've done this. Multiple times. Multiple strains. With Multiple people.
Pic sort of related to thread though. Kikes fear the bunny rancher. >Easy to take care of >Can litter train with ease >Poop comes out pre composted >Can literally fill a pot with it >Plant >Set it and forget it >One rabbit can easily supply enough poop to keep a 60x10 garden bed lush and green all summer with no problem just making poopy tea out of their litter box. >Plus they're cute little bastards and bitches love bunnies.