FBI is legit

Hi, I'm just here to remind you that the FBI is a legitimate organization that focuses on important issues.


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>holds hunters laptop for a year
>runs out as soon as trump trucks haras biden
fbi are pussys, yea you heard me, you faggots are fucking pussys.

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FBI is an extension of CCP's foreign intelligence division

>FBI crime statistics don't lie, sweetie :^)

pick one.

looks like you're terrorists now. well done, low iq commie niggers.

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We're aware. I'm sure they'll be very interested in alternate angles of the incident that tell a very different story.

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law enforcement works for (((them))) and against you

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I mean, if people are trying to intimidate political figures with violence to interfere with an election, the FBI should look into. Pretty obvious. You think they only disarm bombs or something?

I would like to see them go to war with Texans.

>law enforcement works for (((them))) and against you
your gook tears are wonderful

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He can visit Kyle in jail.

WTF are you American idiots fighting over anyway? Do you even know?

The FBI is a corrupt bunch of faggots.

Not a single Obama / Clinton Cabal member is in prison.

The FBI can go fuck itself.

I thought they only killed peoples dogs and entrapped them in schemes they came up with

>I mean, if people are trying to intimidate political figures with violence to interfere with an election, the FBI should look into. Pretty obvious. You think they only disarm bombs or something?
Yet, they ignored all the democrats threatening to kill Cocaine Mitch on social media.

What is the FBI even looking for here? vehicles driving on the freeway? Is that illegal now?

clearly shows the truck was traveling in an unoccupied lane. the stupid faggot leftist white suv tried to run him off the road. There was nowhere for the truck to go but the curb? Leftists are terrorists. Exile or execution is the only answer.

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The left was burning down cities all summer but lord forbid two cara bump into eachother.

Adam Schiff is on it! We got 4 more detectives on the case. They got us working in shifts!

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Subverted Communist oppression.

The chance to be free or become another globalist controlled joke of a country like Canada or any European country.

Was the white car a rando lefty or was it a member of the campaign?

>law enforcement works for (((them))) and against you

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Reminder that Trump's FBI director said that Antifa is an ideology not a group or organization after months of rioting, looting, and arson

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you do know they stopped publishing those statistics right?

White car was trying to run him off the road

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yeah, I'm gonna need a link.


FBI are such fucking traitors it's unreal

why is the Biden bus taking up more than its lane?


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Same FBI Director also works for CCP

The size of the govt.

>tiny white SUV can't compete against big black trump trucks

pottery, I will YES

Lol what the fuck are they investigating?
Why their guys aren't popular?

He's right you idiot.

>niggers burns and loots half the country and blocks the path of citizens cars
this is fine, we will organize a way to bail them out
>some cars with trump flags surrounds a biden buss on a highway (didn't even really block it, just drove around it)
AAUUGGHHH we need to investigate who was behind this!

holy shit why? If anything local pd or hp will cite both drivers, one for unsafe lane change and the other for failure to yield. that's it, story done, everyone can fuck off. oh wait, we're in peak fucking clown world so the trump supporter will be arrested and charged with domestic terrorism. fuck the fbi, they're a bunch of child and dog murdering faggots.

Trump isn't small government

And the only way you can get there is by hating people on the other side of the aisle? You look like a 3rd world central American shothile country.

And btw, what you say is simply absolute bullshit and could NEVER be done.

it's a fucking leftist... expecting them to be anything other than insane fucking retards 24/7? Not sure what anyone expects... these people are completely fucked in the head.

love how Zig Forums will defend people driving like niggers

Trump picked the goddamn moron

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Oh fucking please. That is a reason to kill people on the left? God damn. So much fucking bullshit.

so fucking tired of this shit. how much is enough bros? HOW MUCH

ted kaczynski was right

>have HB's laptop in your custody for months
>do nothing
>months long occupation of major metro area by armed, left-wing radicals
>do nothing
>rampant ballot tampering and election fraud, in some instances caught on tape on multiple occaisions
>do nothing
>politically motivated road rage incident with no injuries
>investigation opened immediately

chyna runs the FBI now. i thought they were created to fight organized crime not enforce it.

now THATS based

Imagine the shame parents must feel when they hear that their kid wants to work for the FBI. I'd rather have a tranny kid than a glownigger

dismantle the fbi

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That's not what they're going to "investigate." They're going to say it was a (denying of) civil rights violation, that's the all-important issue of our day. You can't intimidate people while they're trying to exercise their civil rights. Now, ofc, this is a huge fucking stretch but maybe they were trying to run them off the road. I doubt it but this is what the FBI decides is important.

Yeah, seriously. They don;t even agree on what it is they are fighting about and NONE of their issues can be solved by killing their Ameribros. They just gotta hate somebody.

How was he supposed to know? Which traitor helped him with the decision?

Defund the police

>chyna runs the FBI now. i
lol. You must be the stupidest motherfucker on the planet.

we aren't the ones firing people for simple party affiliation. have fun in trudeau's snowy wonderland concentration camps with your 'luxury' soups and tim fucking hortons. I hope a ottowan fucks your dog before you do.

Where was the fucking FBI when that Democrat fanatic Obama supporter attacked the Republican baseball game, critically wounding one congressman and almost getting Rand Paul?



already defunded. don't forget to dialate.

>He's right you idiot.
>Lol what the fuck are they investigating?
king of the low iq nigger morons. consider gassing yourself as soon as possible, tyrone.

Oh cool they must be investigating that white SUV driver who veered into another lane and made contact with another vehicle.

Dismantle the entire US IC

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all of them are corrupt

sure glad they're not going after the hundreds of thousands of rioters that did billions in damages instead

>You can't intimidate people while they're trying to exercise their civil rights
government says driving is a privilege not a right
case closed

FBI is trash

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lol So much stupid in one sentence. You are a magnificent fucking moron lol

He's a step in the right direction. Given the choice between cube steak and a plate full of steaming shit, I'll settle for the cube steak.

probably neo-cohen #442 in his administration. Barr is a genuinely likable person but he hasn't done shit for Trump so far. Wray has been a disaster and Haspell went full spook and straight disappeared those glowniggers. Get rid of all of them, I say.

helping him put his combat boots on