FBI is legit

sure glad they're not going after the hundreds of thousands of rioters that did billions in damages instead

>You can't intimidate people while they're trying to exercise their civil rights
government says driving is a privilege not a right
case closed

FBI is trash

Attached: chungus.png (360x618, 476.67K)

lol So much stupid in one sentence. You are a magnificent fucking moron lol

He's a step in the right direction. Given the choice between cube steak and a plate full of steaming shit, I'll settle for the cube steak.

probably neo-cohen #442 in his administration. Barr is a genuinely likable person but he hasn't done shit for Trump so far. Wray has been a disaster and Haspell went full spook and straight disappeared those glowniggers. Get rid of all of them, I say.

helping him put his combat boots on