How pathetic do you feel about doing everything in your power to influence Zig Forums, and still fail miserably? People here are stubborn autists obessed with truth and justice, which is something that you cannot defeat. Keep seething, faggots. Trump 2020, 1488, fuck niggers and kikes.
Tell me shills
Charles Ward
Liam Cox
you made a thread about us so you've been influenced, son
Jason Rogers
Nathaniel White
Remember: if you fall for shilling as a newfag, you're a braindamaged retard and should go back to plebbit.
Oliver Murphy
Why don't you support Trump? He's obviously the best choice. Biden is pro globalism and anti-White and western civilization.
Colton Long
>obsessed with truth
most of you niggers cant read.
Samuel Hall
Adrian Brown
>Why don't you support Trump? He's obviously the best choice. Biden is pro globalism and anti-White and western civilization.
Are you even a real person?
Jackson Stewart
Shill post calling others shills....impressive.
Isaac Brooks
trump lost. get over it snowflake. the real world doesnt care about your feelings.