How pathetic do you feel about doing everything in your power to influence Zig Forums, and still fail miserably? People here are stubborn autists obessed with truth and justice, which is something that you cannot defeat. Keep seething, faggots. Trump 2020, 1488, fuck niggers and kikes.
Tell me shills
you made a thread about us so you've been influenced, son
Remember: if you fall for shilling as a newfag, you're a braindamaged retard and should go back to plebbit.
Why don't you support Trump? He's obviously the best choice. Biden is pro globalism and anti-White and western civilization.
>obsessed with truth
most of you niggers cant read.
>Why don't you support Trump? He's obviously the best choice. Biden is pro globalism and anti-White and western civilization.
Are you even a real person?
Shill post calling others shills....impressive.
trump lost. get over it snowflake. the real world doesnt care about your feelings.
We are motivated to hang you by your intestines.
Congratulations, faggot.
you're huge faggot nigger kikes but i'm still considerate enough to take the time to let you know that you're huge faggot nigger kikes. it doesn't mean I've been influenced, it just means I'm polite
Youve influenced me and made me a more bitter and hateful person. I will spread this ugliness onwards in order to feel better about myself, just as you have. The cycle will continue this way until the price is finally paid in blood. You could have avoided this. We all could have avoided this. But its too late. Its too late. Its too late. What fun. What fun. What fun.
imaging thinking I'm not just here to laugh at your cope and seethe
jesus the cringe and seethe
supporting a death cult hell-bent on ritualistically suiciding all of humanity to own the right.
>most of you niggers cant read.
>hand faggot "Das Kapital"
>look at him leafing through it
>ask him what he thinks
>"Nazis bad"
>ask him what he thinks about the book tho
>"Nazis bad"
>Did anything from the book stick?!
and you will do nothing but
and then dilate
In that order impotent faggot
>cool until trump2020
Trump lost bro
>Trump 2020
Choose one, you cant serve Israel and believe in 14 words at the same time
based and redpilled keep up the good work op
It's for you.
>How pathetic do you feel about doing everything in your power to influence Zig Forums, and still fail miserably?
wtf who cares about a bunch of uggos
you'll never win again, you'll soon be cancelled from the workforce, cope
Are you? I'm ashamed to share the same Flag with you.
Its pretty ironic and amusing. They spend 4 years censoring and banning us from social media platforms. Delete our youtube channels. The media lies constantly and they're pretty obviously cheating in the election and they're still so terrified of us after 2016 they pile on in here in full shill mode. Even if they win after all this what's their prize? Some doddering old pedophile as a puppet president and getting flooded by chinks spics and niggers.
I just want to see Zig Forums seethe
you think we want to influence a bunch of losers_ we're laughing at you. we're remembering why you got your ass kicked when you were kids, (you totally deserved it)
u live in a socialist country nordfag
gtfo here
Zig Forums was always for mayhem not to serve a political agenda faggot
>obsessed with truth
>quit counting the votes showing us losing!!! LET US COME UP WITH EXCUSES
HAHAHAHAHAH I'm a confident racist myself but this is just pure cringe. You can leave with your delusional support for a fake democracy with your obvious puppet.
The majority of us voted for Biden in the primaries
The only one coping here is you
Wow an aids filled faggot here lecturing us. That is rich, really. I am really jealous that I am not out cruising for STDs on a regular basis.
>I'm a confident racist myself
Yea thats a lie. You also have no understanding of the comment you replied to. Run along now little commie
A jojo meme. Are you serious? You cannot be serious, there is no fucking way. You might as well wear a tourist badge on your shirt. Have you ever been to any other board besides Zig Forums or Zig Forums?
You try so hard and it still always reads like a plebbit comment
You glow harder than glowniggers, it's funny but perplexing at the same time
No one really cares, that's why you stand out like a sore thumb. You're too stupid to realize your stupid.
pol has been doing very little "seething" and "coping" especially when compared to the lefts reaction in 2016. Pol is literally trolling the shills back and half of the slide post spam have been basically ignored.
lmao, yeah we absolutely can retard nigger. hitler invented israel.
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