How does it make you feel to know that Trump would've won more states, and the whole presidency, if Libertarians had voted for him, rather this meme candidate?
How does it make you feel to know that Trump would've won more states, and the whole presidency...
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How does it make you feel knowing you wasted 4 years shilling this to Americans and we smelled your judiasm a mile away
Trump isn't entitled to Lib votes
Who says libertarian voters even wanted Trump? If they were worried about what OP said they would've just voted Trump.
Third parties are just a big hole in the ground that people throw votes and money into
You seem to be suffering from psychosis, but the fact still remains that her share of the votes is often about the size of the gap between the two major candidates.
She can't even pronounce Jørgensen
Or spell it
if you trumpette terrorists would implement fair voting that could have been a reality. Instead you just try to suppress votes, and do voting fraud (and fail at both sometimes)
you'd think if you were cheating you'd always win..
makes me quite happy desu
Hillary fags were saying this shit 4 years ago
Who cares? Libertarians didn't commit voter fraud. They're entitled to their votes.
Fuck Trump, would've unironically voted for Biden if JoJo wasn't running.
Makes me feel the same as I always have because it's pretty fucking obvious that if people who don't vote for you instead do vote for you that you'll get more votes.
also, this
We need a smug Jo Jorgensen pepe dancing over a crying trump wojak. Meme psyop people, get on it.
lolbergs are pro-open border, why would the vote Trump?
fucking happy. suck it bitch
>you now realize Sanders,Stein and Johnson won Trump 2016
If the last two digits of this post are specifically 52, then everyone between the ages 0-100 dies within a sixth month period with the exception of people exclusively born in June of 2001.
I was going to vote for biden if not JoJo. Sucks to be a trumplet. lmao.
It's crushing.
How does it make you feel knowing Donald is such a piece of shit I feel he doesn't represent me or others as a conservative? I'd rather huff gas than bite for him again, and I'd rather vote for trump a second time than bite for biden.
Get over the fact that it's over
Trump was a meme candidate. The joke is over, get over it.
Check out the overhead video.
Folks will hang!
they would just print more votes u retard
based JoJo
3rd party is the only vote that's guaranteed to infuriate somebody
dems were saying this same exact shit in 2016
libertarians are always the scapegoat. maybe next time try running an actual candidate
No regrets. I fucking hate trump
I'm into yanderes, so it's a win win
I would feel the same way I do now: that Covid-19 was a Chinese bio-weapon paid for by the Democratic Party.
Like the democrats wouldn't just paper over that higher number as well.
lol we ain't bootlickers fuck off
We are the servants of KEK
Feels good man
Libertarian votes are votes taken from the left you fucking mongoloid
>if you trumpette terrorists would implement fair voting that could have been a reality.
If you fucking covid cucks would have just shown the fuck up to the motherfucking polls to shill for your dickless overlords rather than continued to hide in your basement only coming out to suck cock you found on grindr, this wouldn't be an issue.
libs care about their guns. Biden isn't going to let them keep them.
I was perfectly conscious I wasn't voting for Trump when I voted libertarian.
Why do you think otherwise?
We don't care because for ethnic nationalists there is no political solution. A kiked republican or a kiked democrat doesnt make any difference when (((corporations))) run the country.
How does it make you feel knowing this is the 100th time this has been posted, nigger
This is a video of a lady actually filling out ballots
Libertarians aren't entitled to freedoms in that case, because the Dems will absolutely take their freedoms as revenge for 2016.
I don't blame her for this. The fraud, which is the real story here, is not her fault.
They wouldn't have voted at all. They certainly would not have voted Trump.
Fucking THIS.
>would've unironically voted for Biden if JoJo wasn't running
Worst lolbertarian ever.
Dude literally is going to take your guns.
LOLbertarians deserve all the authoritarianism that will come to them from Biden/Harris if they win.
And Biden isn’t doing the same?
>"people" born in 2001 are literally allowed to post here
jesus fucking christ. wtf am i still doing here
luckily I live in MA so Vermin Supreme and Bernie will by my #1 and #2 pick for every single election we have left in this country
It makes me hard as fuck
The issue wasn't Libs splitting the vote, it was that Dems were so successful at keeping Greens off ballots. They even successfully sued to keep them off in PA. So there were libs to siphon right leaning votes but not Greens to do the same to the left.
This. Honestly Trump’s and his supporters’ salt at losing is better than Dem salt when he won.
Idk I was bout to vote for Joe but ended up voting for JoJo
>How does it make you feel to know that Trump would've won more states, and the whole presidency, if democrats had voted for him, rather this meme candidate?
You can literally say this about any candidate. Why do you assume libertarians would have voted trump? Most libertarians see zero difference between the two parties
Shouldn't you be more angry with the masses of people who didn't vote?
her vp is a jew named Cohen and jews are mostly democrats who looove communism for others but not for them. She probably was a democrat plant to steal votes from Trump.
>Conservative supreme court
>Republican congress
>Libertarianism is a single issue
There is no voter fraud an no rules against mail in voting. There is nothing you can do about it.
You have lost
Man, yeah, that sounds like some good shit
Trump doesnt need votes from people who would vote for a woman. we dont want the votes
Joe Biden thanks you!
Based Libertarians.
what's a virus have to do with your terrorism, crybaby?
lucky you, I wish my shit state had full out rank choice already.
Might be on a hunch here, but who’s good with spreadsheets?
Could we map out the frequency of blue red and yellow votes and find an irregularity?
>Dude literally is going to take your guns.
No he isn't. The 2nd amendment is still intact and they never take away any guns. trump was far more likely to take away my weed and my abortions
I guess you can say this was JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Neither candidate will cut spending.
There are no real tax cuts without spending cuts.
Still don’t regret it. Making a point is more important. If not libertarian than Green party or some other. The point is to illustrate unwillingness to participate in the two party charade.
How does it make you feel to know that Trump would've won more states, and the whole presidency, if he wasn't a total shitbag that tried to save face on fucking up his handling of a pandemic killing 250 thousand plus potential voters?
I wouldn't know, he is still set to win.
Tiananmen Square helps me channel my energy to him.
Those people would never vote for a Republican.
Shouldve repealed the nfa
Orange zog fag
Felt fucking fantastic casting my vote for Jo in MI.
Fuck that gun grabbing kike, Zion Don.
Stop sliding the catalog. If all of Jorgensen’s voters voted Trump, the dems would just add the appropriate fake mail-in ballots to Biden’s total to compensate.