What's next for Trump?

Attached: video_twimg_com-i6ENFKLJhvx7OXMc.webm (576x700, 2.85M)

He's going to cry and whine and bitch until he gets his way.

He'll probably end like Silvio Berlusconi

Never admit he actually lost even when he loses on courts. Launch Trump TV (as was the original plan since 2016), keep doing rallies and try to keep the flame going until 2024.

As for 2024 who knows, if he's still alive his ego won't allow him not to run, if not Jr will try to take his place but I just don't think he'll fill in those shoes, probably get trounced in the primaries, but there's 4 years there for him to train how to emulate his daddy.

Don JR is 1000x better and more lucid than Trump. Too bad he's a midget and an Israeli First faggot. Never will be president.

Jnr will run in 2024 and be beaten by Cruz. The GOP will be doing everything they can to give the nomination to Rubio.

wat about Ivanka ?

4 more years. Biden will be president for exactly 27 more days, then Trump takes over.

scorched earth

Prison, one hopes

Attached: trump-salute-714x387.png (714x387, 259.26K)