What's next for Trump?

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He's going to cry and whine and bitch until he gets his way.

He'll probably end like Silvio Berlusconi

Never admit he actually lost even when he loses on courts. Launch Trump TV (as was the original plan since 2016), keep doing rallies and try to keep the flame going until 2024.

As for 2024 who knows, if he's still alive his ego won't allow him not to run, if not Jr will try to take his place but I just don't think he'll fill in those shoes, probably get trounced in the primaries, but there's 4 years there for him to train how to emulate his daddy.

Don JR is 1000x better and more lucid than Trump. Too bad he's a midget and an Israeli First faggot. Never will be president.

Jnr will run in 2024 and be beaten by Cruz. The GOP will be doing everything they can to give the nomination to Rubio.

wat about Ivanka ?

4 more years. Biden will be president for exactly 27 more days, then Trump takes over.

scorched earth

Prison, one hopes

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>he doesn’t really want to win
>omg he’s never giving up power
>he’s going back to not ever having wanted to win
At least keep your idiot theories consistent, your talking points are embarrassing.

Getting fucked in the ass by Tyrone in jail.

I suspect he runs for his second term in 2024. Can dems beat him without mail-in balloting? That question will hang over the next four years.

Pretty much entirely hinges on whether the economy recovers after Covid

The rope.

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A big budget TV show.

He will cross the Rubicon.

what about her?

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>he doesn't need to win the popular vote
>he doesn't need to stress now that he has Florida
>he doesn't need to win Arizona
>he doesn't need to win Michigan
>he doesn't need to win Wisconsin
>he doesn't need to win Nevada
>he doesn't need to win Georgia
>he doesn't need to win Pennsylvania
>he doesn't need to win the recount
>he doesn't need to take the case to the Supreme Court
>he doesn't need to procure actual evidence that aren't random tweets
>he doesn't need to win the case and throw out votes he doesn't like
>he doesn't need to concede
>he doesn't need the support of the military to stage a takeover
>he doesn't need to be President
>he doesn't need to have a Twitter
>he doesn't need to pay his American debts
>he doesn't need to pay his Russian debts
>he doesn't need to pay his Chinese debts
>he doesn't need to pay his German debts
>he doesn't need to be a free man

Surely he’ll be too old to bother. Biden was basically forced to run at 78 by his party. Trump would be happier playing golf and making the odd TV appearance to fuck things up.

>after Covid
the what?


She will star in her own BLACKED and BLACKEDRaw video.

starting his own news channel

4 more years as POTUS
After that he'll raise Barron to become the Emperor of the New World.
Barron will most likely kill all of humanity because of his autism though.

>if not Jr will try to take his place
Never gonna happen. The trump family will be forever barred from taking any office ever. Maybe Ivanka's jewish children will have some chance for political career under Kushner surname.


Never seen this photo. Where was the usual republican outrage?
They were suddenly cool with a sitting president literally saluting North Korean military officials?

Why haven they said anything about Biden?

both superpowers are oddly quiet

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Normally I'd say 78 is too old as well, but the dems just now set the precedent that 78 is not too old. I just cannot see Trump going quietly into the night.

I always see people say this, but for what? Or is it just more retarded bullshit?

the height thing is only in the US

Russia is too busy dealing with containing the Putin Parkinson's story.
China? Who knows? Probably planning an invasion of Japan.

He's going to resist the result for another second to save face then dip forever, never to be seen again. Trumpists got lulled by broken promises of economic populism four years ago and now get to watch as a term's worth of nepotism and apathy comes to a picturebook end where Trump spells out just once more how little he cares about them. It's the cherry on top of a historic bimbofication of half the American electorate.