there's also the half a million more voters in these states than there are registered voters. Of course some people will register on election day, but half a million?
>come on man
So let me get this straight
Like clockwork.
Nigger, people vote for different parties down ballot all the fucking time. Are you retarded?
Charlie’s pristine pure white anus exudes the most exquisite fragrance
>i want a democrat president, but i also want republicans to try block some of his decisions
>this retarded opinion x100,000
Yes. Half the country doesn't like Trump. There are thousands of Republicans who are part of that other half, enough to narrowly flip certain battleground states. Cry about it all you want but they smoked you niggers good lmao.
Hey retard. What's easier to believe a) I won a $1,000 on a scratch off ticket or b) I won a $1,000,000 on a scratch off ticket? If the fraud were any more obvious they would already be swinging from ropes.
because they are retards and don't even know how to cheat properly
Yes, you fucking smooth brain. If they rock the boat even the RINOs would fight back.
They just want to get orange man out. The rest are part of the whole cabal anyway.
>people go out and vote democrat for president
>but they forgot to vote for senate