Trump can't even do a recount in PA. It's fucking over lol.
PA margin is more than .5%
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It's getting audited, son
If they find fraud in PA they will do a recount
There is no election fraud. There is no cheating. Accept the results. Accept the results. Joe Biden won. Joe Biden won. Joe Biden won. Joe Biden won. Joe Biden won.
Even if he could, he lost on like 2 other states. People still coping there's a way out of this are utterly delusional.
>An automatic recount is not initiated by the Commonwealth
PA is the state that is guaranteed to be audited because their election committees ignored Supreme Court orders from both the state and the federal.
georgia is getting audited now too.
Michigan is also doing recounts after the 6000 vote swing in one county alone due to Dominion ballot error.
Wisconsin also uses this machine along with Arizona, and I believe Nevada, once there's proven fault in 2-3 states with the machine everyone will have to recount/audit their votes.
How much is the margin once Rudy has hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots tossed out?